성차별 (性差別) : 성별에 따라 차이를 두어 사람을 대함. Noun
🌏 SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION; SEXISM: The act or manner of treating people differently according to their gender.

관련자 (關聯者) : 어떤 사건에 관련이 되어 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 INTERESTED PARTY: A person who is particularly related to or involved with an event.

정상화 (正常化) : 정상이 아니던 것이 정상적인 상태가 됨. 또는 그렇게 만듦. Noun
🌏 NORMALIZATION: The act of something abnormal becoming normal, or the act of causing it to become normal.

정전 (停電) : 들어오던 전기가 끊어짐. Noun
🌏 BLACKOUT: The act of the incoming electricity supply being stopped.

구걸 (求乞) : 남에게 돈이나 먹을 것, 물건 등을 대가 없이 달라고 함. Noun
🌏 BEGGING: The act of asking others for money, food, stuff, etc., for free and without any cost to oneself.

유례 (類例) : 같거나 비슷한 예. Noun
🌏 SIMILAR EXAMPLE: The same or a similar example.

구원 (救援) : 어려움이나 위험에 빠진 사람이나 단체 등을 구해 줌. Noun
🌏 RESCUE; RELIEF: The act of saving individuals, groups, etc., from a difficult situation or danger.

구제 (救濟) : 어려운 처지에 놓인 사람을 도와줌. Noun
🌏 HELP; RELIEF; AID: The act of helping a person in a difficult situation.

구직난 (求職難) : 일자리를 구하기 어려움. 또는 그런 상태. Noun
🌏 JOB SHORTAGE; JOB SCARCITY: The quality of having difficulty in finding work, or such a state.

구호 (口號) : 요구나 주장, 생각 등을 나타내는 짧은 말이나 글. Noun
🌏 SLOGAN; RALLYING CRY; CATCHPHRASE: A short speech or written phrase expressing one's demand, claim, thought, etc.

악용 (惡用) : 나쁜 일에 쓰거나 나쁘게 이용함. Noun
🌏 ABUSE; MISUSE: Using or taking advantage of something for a bad purpose.

불길 : 세차게 타오르는 불의 줄기. Noun
🌏 FLAME; BLAZE: A streak of fire burning furiously.

국제적 (國際的) : 여러 나라에 관계되거나 여러 나라가 참여하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING INTERNATIONAL; BEING GLOBAL: Something related to or involving many nations.

굶주리다 : 오랫동안 제대로 먹지 못하다. Verb
🌏 STARVE: To live on a poor diet for a long time.

발단 (發端) : 어떤 일의 시작이나 실마리. Noun
🌏 BEGINNING; ROOT; SOURCE: The beginning or origin of something.

극단적 (極端的) : 마음이나 행동이 한쪽으로 완전히 치우친 것. Noun
🌏 BEING EXTREME: One's mind or action's leaning completely toward one side.

기도 (企圖) : 어떤 일을 계획하여 이루려고 시도함. Noun
🌏 ATTEMPT: The act of planning something and trying to achieve it.

불우 (不遇) : 살림이나 처지가 딱하고 어려움. Noun
🌏 BEING UNDERPRIVILEGED; BEING UNFORTUNATE; BEING DISADVANTAGED: A state in which one's living or situation is difficult and pitiful.

불의 (不義) : 사람의 도리나 정의 등에 어긋나 옳지 않음. Noun
🌏 INJUSTICE; UNRIGHTEOUSNESS: A state of being wrong, going against a man's duty, injustice, etc.

기성세대 (旣成世代) : 현재 사회를 이끌어 가는 나이가 든 세대. Noun
🌏 OLDER GENERATION: The older generation that is currently leading society.

기습 (奇襲) : 적이 생각지 않았던 때에, 갑자기 들이쳐 공격함. 또는 그런 공격. Noun
🌏 AMBUSH; RAID: A sudden attack at a time when an opponent did not expect any, or such an attack.

끔찍하다 : 보기에 정도가 지나쳐 놀랄 만하다. Adjective
🌏 TERRIBLE; AWFUL: Excessive enough to make someone frightened.

꼬이다 : 일이 원하는 대로 되지 않고 뒤틀리다. Verb
🌏 GO WRONG; GET MESSED UP: For something not to go as planned but go wrong.

재개발 (再開發) : 이미 있는 것을 더 좋게 하기 위해 다시 개발함. Noun
🌏 REDEVELOPMENT: The act of developing again what is already in place in order to make it better.

시신 (屍身) : (점잖게 이르는 말로) 죽은 사람의 몸. Noun
🌏 DEAD BODY; CORPSE: (refined) The body of a dead person.

시인 (是認) : 어떤 내용이나 사실이 맞거나 그러하다고 인정함. Noun
🌏 ADMISSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The act of admitting that a content or fact is right.

Human relationships (52) Making a phone call (15) Life in the workplace (197) Mentality (191) Making a promise (4) Expressing gratitude (8) Occupation & future path (130) The arts (76) Hobby (103) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Describing personality (365) Language (160) Dietary culture (104) Greeting (17) Housework (48) Press (36) History (92) Cultural differences (47) Health (155) Using public institutions (59) Social system (81) Religion (43) Directions (20) Expressing day of the week (13) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Travel (98) Weekends and holidays (47) Family events (57) Describing food (78) Social issues (67)