🌟 ONE-DIMENSIONAL @ Name [🌏English]

Performance & appreciation (8) Exchanging personal information (46) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Describing clothes (110) Describing a dish (119) Hobby (103) Expressing gratitude (8) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Dietary culture (104) Describing food (78) Mentality (191) Education (151) Ordering food (132) Describing personality (365) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Making a promise (4) Making a phone call (15) Greeting (17) Comparing cultures (78) Travel (98) Using public institutions (59) Life in the workplace (197) Describing location (70) Human relationships (52) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Using public institutions (post office) (8) Politics (149) The arts (76) School life (208) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43)