🌟 변두리 (邊 두리)


1. 어떤 지역의 가장자리인 곳.

1. ชานเมือง: สถานที่ที่อยู่ริมของพื้นที่ใด ๆ

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 서울 변두리.
    On the outskirts of seoul.
  • Google translate 도시의 변두리.
    The outskirts of a city.
  • Google translate 변두리 지역.
    Outlying areas.
  • Google translate 변두리로 밀려나다.
    Be relegated to the outskirts.
  • Google translate 변두리에 위치하다.
    Located on the outskirts.
  • Google translate 도시 중심의 투자 제도는 변두리 농촌 주민들을 희생시킬 수밖에 없었다.
    The urban-centered investment system was forced to sacrifice rural residents on the outskirts.
  • Google translate 과거에는 변두리였던 이곳이 시간이 지남에 따라 이제는 도시의 중심부가 되었다.
    This used to be the outskirts of the city has now become the center of the city over time.
  • Google translate 도시에서 생활하는 게 지겹지 않아?
    Aren't you tired of living in the city?
    Google translate 왜 아니겠어. 그만 도시 생활을 정리하고 한적한 변두리 쪽에 가게나 하나 냈으면 싶다.
    Why not? i wish i could clean up my city life and open a store on the quiet outskirts.
คำเพิ่มเติม 근교(近郊): 도시에 가까운 변두리 지역.

변두리: outskirts; environs,はずれ【外れ】。まちはずれ【町外れ】,banlieue, périphérie, faubourg, abords, bords, lisière, approche,periferia, borde,ضاحية,зах газар, төгсгөл, хязгаар,vùng ven, vùng ngoại ô, vùng ngoại thành,ชานเมือง,pinggiran,край; окраина,边缘,郊区,

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 변두리 (변두리)
📚 ประเภท: พื้นที่อยู่อาศัย   ข้อมูลทางภูมิศาสตร์  

🗣️ 변두리 (邊 두리) @ คำอธิบายความหมาย

🗣️ 변두리 (邊 두리) @ ตัวอย่าง







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