🌾 End:


(食醋) : 원료를 발효시켜서 만드는 신맛이 나는 액체 조미료. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 VINEGAR: A liquid seasoning that tastes sour made by fermenting raw ingredients.

(初) : 어떤 기간의 처음이나 초기. ☆☆☆ Bound Noun
🌏 BEGINNING: A bound noun used to indicate the early or initial stage of a certain period of time.

(秒) : 일 분의 60분의 1을 나타내는 시간의 단위. ☆☆☆ Bound Noun
🌏 SECOND: A bound noun used to indicate a unit of time, which is one-sixtieth of a minute.

(最初) : 맨 처음. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BEING THE FIRST; BEING ORIGINAL: The first of its kind.

(基礎) : 사물이나 일 등의 기본이 되는 바탕. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 BASE; FOUNDATION: The groundwork that is fundamental to a thing or task.

: 맥이 풀어져 힘을 못 쓰고 축 늘어진 상태. Noun
🌏 BEING UTTERLY EXHAUSTED; BEING DOG-TIRED: A state of feeling weak and drained, due to exhaustion.

(애 初) : 맨 처음. Noun
🌏 THE BEGINNING; THE START; THE OUTSET: The very beginning of something.

(花草) : 꽃이 피는 풀과 나무. 또는 두고 보면서 즐기는 모든 식물. Noun
🌏 FLOWERING PLANT; FLOWER; PLANT: Plants and trees that flower; or all the plants that one grows for admiration and enjoyment.

(年初) : 새해의 처음 무렵. Noun
🌏 BEGINNING OF THE YEAR: The start of the year.

: 불을 붙여 빛을 내는 것. Noun
🌏 CANDLE: Something that lights up when ignited.

(洋 초) : 적당한 온도에서 녹는 고체를 녹인 후 틀에 붓고 가운데 심지를 넣어 다시 굳힌, 불을 밝히는 데 쓰는 서양식 초. Noun
🌏 CANDLE: A western-style long piece of wax used for lighting up, which is made by melting solid at proper temperature, pouring the liquid into a frame with a wick in the middle, and letting it harden again.

(雜草) : 가꾸지 않아도 저절로 나서 자라는 여러 가지 풀. Noun
🌏 WEED: One of a variety of grass species that sprout out and grow without cultivation.

(蘭草) : 잎이 길고 가늘며 향기로운 꽃이 피는 식물. Noun
🌏 ORCHID: A plant with long, narrow leaves and fragrant flowers.

불로 (不老草) : 먹으면 늙지 않는다는 상상의 풀. Noun
🌏 HERB OF ETERNAL YOUTH: An imaginary herb which is believed to bring the eater eternal youth.

(不肖) : (낮추는 말로) 아들이 부모에게 자기를 가리키는 말. Pronoun
🌏 I; ME: (impolite form) A word used by a son to refer to himself in talking to his parents.

(水草) : 물속이나 물가에 자라는 풀. Noun
🌏 WATER PLANT; AQUATIC PLANT: Plants that grow in the water or on the waterside.

(芭蕉) : 긴 타원형의 잎이 뭉쳐나며 키가 크고 여름에 노란색을 띤 흰색의 꽃이 피는 풀. Noun
🌏 PLANTAIN; BANANA PLANT: A tall grass whose long, oval-shaped leaves grow in bunches, and whose yellowish white flower blooms in summer.

대마 (大麻草) : 환각제로 쓰는 대마의 이삭이나 잎. 또는 그것을 담배처럼 피우도록 만든 것. Noun
🌏 HEMP; MARIJUANA: The ear or leaf of hemp, which is a hallucinogen, or something made from it, similar to a cigarette, in order to smoke, .

감식 (감 食醋) : 감으로 만든 식초. Noun
🌏 PERSIMMON VINEGAR: Vinegar made from persimmons.

(甘草) : 한방 재료로 널리 쓰이는 단맛의 풀. 또는 그 뿌리. Noun
🌏 LICORICE: A sweet-tasting herb, whose roots are commonly used in herbal medicines.

(問招) : 잘못이 있는 사람에게 죄, 잘못 등을 따져 묻거나 심문함. Noun
🌏 QUESTIONING; INVESTIGATION: The act of questioning or interrogating a guilty person about his/her wrongdoings or crimes.

(始初) : 맨 처음. Noun
🌏 START; OUTSET: The very beginning.

온실 속의 화 : 어려움이나 괴로움을 겪지 않고 편안하게만 자란 사람.
🌏 A FLOWER IN THE GREENHOUSE: A person who has grown up in a sheltered environment without difficulties or sufferings.

(牧草) : 가축의 먹이가 되는 풀. Noun
🌏 PASTURE: Grasses for feeding livestock.

(原初) : 일이나 현상이 시작하는 맨 처음. Noun
🌏 ORIGIN; SOURCE; FIRST: The very start of a certain thing or phenomenon.

: → 땡추 Noun

(暗礁) : 바다나 강에서 물속에 잠겨 겉으로 보이지 않는 험한 바위. Noun
🌏 ROCK; REEF: An invisible, rough rock submerged in the sea or in a river.

애당 (애 當初) : 일의 맨 처음. Noun
🌏 THE OUTSET; THE BEGINNING; THE START: The very beginning of something.

(海草) : 바다에서 나며 씨로 번식하는 식물. Noun
🌏 SEAGRASS: A marine plant producing seeds for reproduction.

(藥草) : 약으로 쓰는 풀. Noun
🌏 MEDICINAL HERB: A plant used as medicine.

산호 (珊瑚礁) : 열대나 아열대의 얕은 바다에 죽은 산호의 뼈가 쌓여 이루어진 암초. Noun
🌏 CORAL REEF: A reef formed by dead corals' skeletons which are piled up in tropical or subtropical shallow seas.

(端初) : 어떤 사건이나 일의 시작, 또는 사건이나 일이 일어나게 된 동기. Noun
🌏 MOTIVE; BEGINNING: The beginning of an incident or some business, or the cause of an incident or some business.

(步哨) : 부대의 경계선이나 여러 출입문에서 경계와 감시를 하는 병사. Noun
🌏 GUARD; SENTRY: A soldier who stays on alert and keeps watch, being stationed at the military unit's border or different gates.

부평 (浮萍草) : 몸이 겉은 풀색이고 안은 자주색인 세 개의 둥근 잎으로 이루어져 있고, 논이나 연못의 물 위에 떠서 자라는 풀. Noun
🌏 DUCKWEED: A plant that floats on the water of a rice paddy or pond; it has three round leaves that are grass green on the outside and purple on the inside.

(坐礁) : 배가 암초에 얹힘. Noun
🌏 CAPSIZING; SHIPWRECK: The act of a ship coming to be laid on a rock.

(乾草) : 주로 짐승의 먹이나 거름으로 쓰는, 베어서 말린 풀. Noun
🌏 HAY; DRY GRASS: Cut, dried grass generally used to feed livestock or as manure.

(當初) : 일의 제일 처음. Noun
🌏 BEGINNING; START: The beginning of a matter.

(木草) : 나무와 풀. Noun
🌏 TREES AND PLANTS; VEGETATION: A collective term for trees and plants.

(골 草) : (놀리는 말로) 담배를 너무 많이 피우는 사람. Noun
🌏 CHAIN SMOKER; HEAVY SMOKER: (teasing) A person who smokes too much.

애시당 (애시 當初) : → 애당초 Noun

(毒草) : 독이 들어 있는 풀. Noun
🌏 POISONOUS HERB: A plant with poison.

(每秒) : 일 초 일 초. Noun
🌏 EVERY SECOND: Second after second.

(每秒) : 일 초 일 초마다. Adverb
🌏 EVERY SECOND: Per second.

(月初) : 그달의 처음 무렵. Noun
🌏 BEGINNING OF THE MONTH: The beginning of the month.

일분일 (一分一秒) : (비유적으로) 아주 짧은 시간. Noun
🌏 SECOND; MOMENT: (figurative) A very short period of time.

(醋) : 원료를 발효시켜서 만드는 신맛이 나는 액체 조미료. Noun
🌏 VINEGAR: A sour liquid condiment that is made from wine or malt.

(王 초) : (속된 말로) 거지나 불량배의 우두머리. Noun
🌏 BOSS; RINGLEADER: (slang) The leader of beggars or gangsters.

담배꽁 : 담배를 피우고 남은 담배의 끝부분. Noun
🌏 CIGARETTE BUTT: The end of a cigarette left after smoking.

(民草) : 끈질긴 생명력을 지닌 잡초처럼 꿋꿋하고 강인한 백성. Noun
🌏 GRASS ROOTS: The dogged, strong people like weeds that have a tenacious hold on life.

약방에 감 : 어떤 일에든 빠짐없이 끼는 사람. 또는 반드시 있어야 할 물건.
🌏 LICORICE IN A DRUGSTORE; INDISPENSABE PERSON OR THING: A person who joins every event, or something that is indispensable.

(末梢) : 사물의 맨 끝부분. Noun
🌏 BEING PERIPHERAL: The very end part of an object.

: 피우고 남은 담배의 끝부분. Noun
🌏 CIGARETTE BUTT: The end part of a smoked cigarette.

(週初) : 일주일의 처음. Noun
🌏 THE START OF A WEEK: The beginning of a week.

(自招) : 자기 스스로 어떤 결과가 생기게 함. Noun
🌏 INCURRENCE; BRINGING SOMETHING UPON ONESELF: The act of creating a certain result by oneself.

온실 속에서 자란 화 : 어려움이나 괴로움을 겪지 않고 편안하게만 자란 사람.
🌏 A FLOWER CULTIVATED IN THE GREENHOUSE: A person who has grown up in a sheltered environment without difficulties or sufferings.

(正初) : 그해의 맨 처음. 또는 음력 첫째 달의 처음 며칠. Noun
🌏 THE START OF THE YEAR: The beginning of the year, or the first few days of the first month on the lunar calendar.

(除草) : 잡초를 뽑아 없앰. Noun
🌏 WEEDING: The act of pulling and removing weeds.

(伐草) : 무덤과 그 주변의 풀을 베어서 깨끗이 함. Noun
🌏 MOWING; TIDYING UP A GRAVE: The act of making a grave and its surroundings neat by mowing and weeding.

(苦楚) : 괴로움과 어려움. Noun
🌏 HARDSHIP: Distress and difficulty.

(太初) : 하늘과 땅이 생긴 맨 처음. Noun
🌏 BEGINNING OF THE WORLD; GENESIS: The very beginning of time, when the sky and the land formed.

Dietary culture (104) Exchanging personal information (46) Making a phone call (15) Science & technology (91) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Using public institutions (library) (6) Describing location (70) Life in Korea (16) Dating and getting married (19) Describing a dish (119) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Weekends and holidays (47) School life (208) Law (42) Hobbies (48) Expressing date (59) Watching a movie (105) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Family events (57) Economics and business administration (273) Inviting and visiting (28) Occupation & future path (130) Travel (98) Expressing gratitude (8) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Ordering food (132) Mass media (47) Using the hospital (204) Life in the workplace (197)