🌟 보유고 (保有高)


1. 가지고 있거나 간직하고 있는 물건의 수량.

1. RESERVE: The quantity of things that someone has or holds.

🗣️ Usage Example:
  • Google translate 화폐 보유고.
    Money reserves.
  • Google translate 상품의 보유고.
    The reserves of goods.
  • Google translate 보유고가 넘치다.
    The reserves are overflowing.
  • Google translate 보유고가 바닥나다.
    Run out of reserves.
  • Google translate 보유고가 충분하다.
    Sufficient reserves.
  • Google translate 보유고를 확충하다.
    Expand reserves.
  • Google translate 우리나라는 현재 외환 보유고가 부족한 경제 위기를 맞고 있다.
    The nation is currently facing an economic crisis that lacks foreign exchange reserves.
  • Google translate 외환 위기란 한 나라의 달러 보유고가 충분하지 않은 상태를 말한다.
    A foreign exchange crisis refers to a country's insufficient dollar reserves.
  • Google translate 혹시 우리나라의 금 보유고가 얼마나 되는지 아니?
    Do you happen to know how much gold we have in our country?
    Google translate 글쎄. 지난 경제 위기 때보다는 금이 좀 많아지지 않았을까?
    Well. wouldn't there be more gold than during the last economic crisis?

보유고: reserve,ほゆうだか【保有高】,réserve, stock,reserva,احتياطيّ,эзэмшилийн хэмжээ, хадгалж буй хэмжээ,kho lưu giữ,ปริมาณที่มีอยู่, ปริมาณที่เป็นเจ้าของ, จำนวนที่ครอบครอง, จำนวนที่ถือครอง, จำนวนที่สะสมไว้,angka kepemilikan, jumlah kepemilikan,имеющееся количество,储备量,储存量,

🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: 보유고 (보ː유고)

🗣️ 보유고 (保有高) @ Usage Example







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