🌟 거부 (巨富)


1. 아주 많은 재산.

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 거부가 있다.
    There is rejection.
  • Google translate 거부를 기부하다.
    Donate a veto.
  • Google translate 거부를 모으다.
    Collect rejection.
  • Google translate 거부를 축적하다.
    Accumulate rejection.
  • Google translate 거부를 탕진하다.
    Throw away rejection.
  • Google translate 그는 신제품의 개발로 거부를 축적할 수 있었다.
    He was able to accumulate rejection with the development of new products.
  • Google translate 승규는 도박에 중독되어 어렵게 모은 거부를 모두 탕진하고 말았다.
    Seung-gyu was addicted to gambling and wasted all his hard-earned rejection.
  • Google translate 거부를 기부한 익명의 독지가를 아시나요?
    Do you know an anonymous benefactor who donated his denial?
    Google translate 잘은 모르지만 해마다 기부를 하셔서 어려운 이웃에게 많은 도움이 되고 있어요.
    I don't know, but it's very helpful to the needy by making donations every year.

거부: great wealth,きょふ【巨富】,grande richesse, fortune,mucha riqueza, mucha fortuna,ثروة كبيرة,их баялаг, их хөрөнгө,gia tài khổng lồ, gia tài kếch xù,ทรัพย์สินจำนวนมาก, ทรัพย์สมบัติมากมาย, มหาสมบัติ,banyak harta, harta melimpah,состояние,万贯家财,巨资,

2. 아주 큰 부자.

2. มหาเศรษฐี, อภิมหาเศรษฐี: เศรษฐีที่ร่ำรวยมาก

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 거부 행세.
  • Google translate 거부가 되다.
  • Google translate 거부를 부러워하다.
    Envy rejection.
  • Google translate 그 기업가는 검소하고 근면한 생활로 일찍이 거부가 될 수 있었다.
    The entrepreneur was able to be rejected early on by a frugal and industrious life.
  • Google translate 그는 젊은 시절에 열심히 일을 하여 악착같이 돈을 모아 거부가 되었다.
    He worked hard as a young man and saved money like a pig and became a widow.
  • Google translate 승규가 빈털터리 사기꾼이었대.
    Seung-gyu said he was a broke-up swindler.
    Google translate 정말? 그럼 지금까지 거부 행세를 하고 다닌 거네.
    Really? so you've been acting like you're rejecting me.
คำพ้องความหมาย 대부(大富): 매우 부유한 부자.

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 거부 (거ː부)

🗣️ 거부 (巨富) @ ตัวอย่าง





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