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노릇 Nom

1. (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 직업으로 하는 일이나 직책을 맡아 하는 역할.

2. 역할에 어울리는 행동이나 태도.

3. 일의 상황 또는 형편.

1. JOB; WORK: (disparaging) What one does as his/her occupation; or a role assumed in line with his/her position.

2. ROLE; PART: Behavior or attitude that suits one's role.

3. SITUATION; CIRCUMSTANCES: The situation or circumstances in which things are happening.

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@ Définition(s)

하수인 (下手人): 1. 남의 밑에서 졸개 노을 하는 사람. [ PUPPET; CLOWN: A person who serves another as his/her surbordinate. ] Nom