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낚시 ☆☆☆ คำนาม

1. 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 끝이 뾰족한 작은 도구.

4. 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 물품들이 갖추어진 한 벌의 도구.

2. 물고기를 낚는 데 쓰는 도구를 사용해 물고기를 잡는 일.

3. (비유적으로) 다른 사람의 마음이 끌리게 하는 수단.

1. FISHING HOOK: A small implement with a pointed end, which is used to catch fish.

4. FISHING GEAR: A set of tools used to catch fish.

2. FISHING; ANGLING: The act of catching fish, using the tools for this purpose.

3. SEDUCTION: (figurative) The means of catching someone's attention.

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물때 : 3. 시에서 물고기가 가장 잘 잡히는 때. [ BEST FISHING TIME: In angling, the time to fish. ] คำนาม

입질 : 1. 시질을 할 때 물고기가 싯줄 끝에 매달린 미끼를 건드리는 일. [ BITE; STRIKE: The act of fish touching a bait at the end of a fishing rod . ] คำนาม

낚싯배 : 1. 시로 물고기를 잡는 데 쓰는 배. [ FISHING BOAT: A boat used for catching fish with a fishing rod. ] คำนาม

낚싯밥 : 1. 물고기가 물도록 시 끝에 꿰어 단 물고기 먹이. [ BAIT: Food for fish to attract fish, which is threaded on the end of a fishing rod. ] คำนาม

빙어 : 1. 15센티미터쯤 되는 몸은 연한 백색에 가늘고 편평하며 겨울 시로 유명한 바닷물고기. [ ICEFISH; SMELT: A roughly 15-centimeter-long marine fish that has a pale-white, thin and flat body and is famously caught via ice fishing. ] คำนาม

얼음낚시 : 1. 겨울에 강이나 호수, 저수지 등의 얼음을 깨고 하는 시질. [ ICE FISHING: An act of catching fish in winter by breaking ice in the river, lake, reservoir, etc. ] คำนาม

월척 (越尺): 1. 시에서, 한 자가 넘는 큰 물고기를 음. 또는 그 물고기. [ CATCHING A BIG FISH; BIG FISH: The act of catching a fish as long as five feet; or such a fish. ] คำนาม

낚다 : 1. 시나 그물로 물고기를 잡다. [ FISH; HOOK: To catch fish with a fishing rod or net. ] คำกริยา

낚이다 : 1. 시나 그물에 물고기가 잡히다. [ BE CAUGHT; BE HOOKED: For fish to be captured into a fishing rod or net. ] คำกริยา

낚시질 : 1. 시로 물고기를 잡는 일. [ FISHING: The act of catching fish with a fishing rod. ] คำนาม

낚시꾼 : 1. 취미로 시를 하는 사람. [ ANGLER; FISHERMAN: A person who fishes for pleasure. ] คำนาม

: 1. 물고기가 미끼를 물어 시에 걸리면 바로 알 수 있도록 싯줄에 매어서 물 위에 뜨게 만든 것. [ FLOAT; CORK: A buoyant object attached to a fishing line so that one knows right away when a fish is biting at the bait. ] คำนาม

낚시질하다 : 1. 시로 물고기를 잡다. [ DO FISHING; FISH: To catch fish with a fishing rod. ] คำกริยา

떡밥 : 1. 쌀겨에 콩가루나 번데기 가루 등을 섞어 반죽하여 조그마하게 뭉쳐 만든 시 미끼. [ PASTE BAIT: Bait made by adding bean flour or pupa powder to rice bran, kneading the mix, and dividing it into small lumps. ] คำนาม

강태공 (姜太公): 2. (비유적으로) 시하는 사람. [ FISHER: (figurative) An angler. ] คำนาม

밤낚시 : 1. 밤에 하는 시질. [ NIGHT FISHING: The act of fishing at night. ] คำนาม

입질하다 : 1. 시질을 할 때 물고기가 싯줄 끝에 매달린 미끼를 건드리다. [ BITE; TAKE A BAIT: For fish to touch a bait at the end of a fishing rod. ] คำกริยา