🌾 End:


(自然) : 사람의 힘에 의한 것이 아닌, 세상에 원래부터 있거나 저절로 이루어지는 모든 현상이나 존재. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 NATURE: All phenomena that occur spontaneously without human influence or existences that have existed from the beginning of the earth.

(年) : 한 해. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 YEAR: A year.

(偶然) : 마땅한 이유 없이 어쩌다가 일어난 일. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 CHANCE; ACCIDENT: Something happened by chance without a proper cause.

(辭緣/詞緣) : 편지나 말의 내용. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 STORY; FULL STORY: Contents of a letter or words.

(出演) : 무대나 영화, 방송 등에 나와 연기나 연주를 함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 APPEARING; MAKING AN APPEARANCE: An act of appearing on a stage, in a movie, in a television show, etc., and acting a role or playing a musical instrument.

(公演) : 음악, 무용, 연극 등을 많은 사람들 앞에서 보이는 것. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 PERFORMANCE; SHOW: Performing music, dance or a play in front of many people.

(果然) : 생각대로 정말로. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 INDEED: Exactly as expected.

(因緣) : 사람들 사이에 맺어지는 관계. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 RELATIONSHIP; CONNECTION: A relationship between people.

(禁煙) : 담배를 피우는 것을 금지함. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 NONSMOKING: The act of prohibiting smoking.

(主演) : 연극이나 영화, 드라마 등에서 주인공 역을 맡아 연기하는 일. 또는 주인공 역을 맡은 사람. Noun
🌏 LEAD ROLE; LEAD ACTOR; LEAD ACTRESS: In theater or film, the act of playing a protagonist or an actor or actress playing a protagonist.

(競演) : 여럿이 모여 예술이나 기술 등의 실력을 겨룸. Noun
🌏 CONTEST: An occasion in which many people gather and compete in a field of art or technology.

하소 : 억울하고 딱한 사정 등을 다른 사람에게 간절하게 말함. Noun
🌏 COMPLAINT; WHINING: The act of describing one's situation, such as unfair treatment, pitiable circumstances, etc., plaintively to someone.

(吸煙) : 담배를 피움. Noun
🌏 SMOKING: An act of smoking a cigarette.

(助演) : 연극이나 영화에서 주인공을 도와 이야기를 전개해 나가는 역할을 함. 또는 그런 역할을 맡은 배우. Noun
🌏 SUPPORTING ROLE; SUPPORTING ACTOR; SUPPORTING ACTRESS: In theater or film, the act of playing a supporting role to the lead character in the unfolding story, or an actor/actress playing such a role.

(遲延) : 일이 예정보다 오래 걸리거나 시간이 늦추어짐. Noun
🌏 DELAY; POSTPONEMENT: An instance of something taking longer than expected or dragging on.

피로 (披露宴) : 결혼이나 출생 등의 기쁜 일을 널리 알리기 위해 베푸는 잔치. Noun
🌏 BANQUET; RECEPTION: A party thrown to widely announce a happy event, such as a wedding, birth, etc.

(蔓延/蔓衍) : (비유적으로) 전염병이나 나쁜 현상 등이 널리 퍼짐. Noun
🌏 BEING EPIDEMIC: (figurative) The wide spread of an infectious disease, bad phenomenon, etc.

(天然) : 사람의 힘을 보태지 않은 자연 그대로의 상태. Noun
🌏 NATURALNESS: The natural state of something without artificiality.

(斷然) : 무엇의 순위나 수준, 정도 등이 확실히 판단이 될 만큼 뚜렷하게. Adverb
🌏 OBVIOUSLY: Obviously in deciding the rank, level, degree, etc., of something.

(煤煙) : 공기 중의 오염 물질로 연료가 탈 때 나오는 그을음이 섞인 검은 연기. Noun
🌏 EXHAUST GAS; SOOTY SMOKE: Black sooty smoke, an air pollutant, resulting from burning fuel.

(血緣) : 같은 핏줄로 이어진 관계. Noun
🌏 BLOOD RELATION; BLOOD TIES: A relation which is formed based on blood.

(講演) : 어떤 주제에 대하여 다른 사람들 앞에서 강의 형식으로 말함. Noun
🌏 LECTURE: An act of speaking to people in a lecture format on a certain theme.

회갑 (回甲宴) : 사람이 태어난 지 만 육십 년이 되는 예순 번째 생일에 하는 잔치. Noun
🌏 ONE'S SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY PARTY: A party held to celebrate one's sixtieth birthday.

(鳶) : 가는 대나무 가지 틀에 얇은 종이를 붙여 실을 맨 다음 공중에 날리는 장난감. Noun
🌏 KITE: An object that can be flown, which is made by pasting thin paper and a string on a frame made of thin bamboo sticks.

(忽然) : 뜻밖에 갑자기. Adverb
🌏 SUDDENLY; ABRUPTLY: Unexpectedly and suddenly.

(喫煙) : 담배를 피움. Noun
🌏 SMOKING: Smoking a cigarette.

(內緣) : 법적으로 부부가 아니지만 실질적으로 부부와 다름없는 관계. 또는 배우자 외에 맺고 있는 연인 관계. Noun
🌏 COMMON LAW MARRIAGE; INFORMAL MARRIAGE: A relationship of two people who are practically, though not legally, married; a loving relationship with someone who is not a spouse.

(失戀) : 연애에 실패함. Noun
🌏 BROKEN HEART: One's failure in a relationship.

(實演) : 실제로 하여 보여 줌. Noun
🌏 DEMONSTRATION: The act of showing how to do something by doing it.

(泰然) : 당연히 머뭇거리거나 두려워할 상황에서 태도나 얼굴빛이 아무렇지도 않음. Noun
🌏 CALMNESS; COMPOSURE; SELF-POSSESSION: The state of showing no difference in attitude or complexion, in a situation in which one is expected to hesitate or be scared.

(緣) : 서로 관계를 맺게 되는 인연. Noun
🌏 TIE; CONNECTION; RELATIONSHIP: One's relationship with another.

(蓮) : 잎이 크고 둥글며 붉은색 또는 흰색의 커다란 꽃이 물 위에 떠서 피는, 연못에서 자라는 풀. Noun
🌏 LOTUS: A plant that grows in a pond, which has large round leaves and whose red or white flowers bloom on the surface of the water.

(聯) : 시에서 몇 행을 의미적으로 구분하여 한 단위로 묶은 것. Noun
🌏 STANZA: A unit of a poem, which usually consists of a few lines of verse organized according to their meaning.

(延) : 어떤 일에 관련된 인원이나 시간, 금액 등을 모두 합친 전체. Determiner
🌏 TOTAL: The aggregate of people, time, money, etc., related to something.

(外延) : 일정한 개념이 적용되는 사물의 모든 범위. Noun
🌏 DENOTATION; EXTENSION: The whole range of objects to which a certain concept is applied.

(敷衍/敷演) : 알기 쉽게 다른 내용을 더하여 자세히 말함. Noun
🌏 EXPATIATION; ELABORATION: The act of adding details to an explanation for easy understanding.

(上演) : 연극, 무용, 음악 등의 공연을 무대에서 해서 관객에게 보이는 일. Noun
🌏 STAGING; PERFORMANCE: The act of performing a show such as a play, dance, musical performance, etc., on a stage for an audience.

(本然) : 본디 그대로의 타고난 상태나 모습. Noun
🌏 NATURAL SHAPE; INNATE STATE: The state or shape of a person in which he/she was born.

(未然) : 어떤 일이 일어나기 전. Noun
🌏 BEING BEFOREHAND: A time before something happens.

소공 (小公演) : 규모가 작은 공연. Noun
🌏 SMALL PERFORMANCE: A small-sized performance.

(地緣) : 태어났거나 사는 지역에 의해 맺어지는 인간관계. Noun
🌏 REGIONALISM: The human relations formed by the place where one was born or lives.

대자 (大自然) : 넓고 큰 자연. Noun
🌏 MOTHER NATURE: Wide, large nature.

(必然) : 어떤 일의 결과나 사물의 관계가 반드시 그렇게 될 수밖에 없음. Noun
🌏 INEVITABILITY; UNAVOIDABILITY: The outcome of an event or the relationship among things being predetermined to be in a certain way.

(學緣) : 같은 학교를 나옴으로써 생기는 인연. Noun
🌏 OLD BOY NETWORK; SCHOOL TIES: Social connections formed among graduates of the same school.

- (然) : '그것인 체함' 또는 '그것인 것처럼 뽐냄'의 뜻을 더하는 접미사. Affix
🌏 -YEON: A suffix used to mean "to pretend to be someone or something" or "to show off as if he/she were someone or something."

(試演) : 무용이나 연극 등을 일반 관객에게 보여 주기 전에 특정한 사람들에게 시험 삼아 먼저 보여 줌. Noun
🌏 DEMONSTRATION; TRIAL PERFORMANCE: The act of showing a dance, play, etc., in front of a particular group of people as a trial before showing it to the general public.

(初演) : 연극이나 무용 등의 공연을 처음으로 무대에 올려 관객에게 보임. 또는 그 공연. Noun
🌏 PREMIERE: An act of staging a performance such as a play, dance, etc., to the audience for the first time, or such a performance.

초자 (超自然) : 자연 과학의 법칙으로 설명할 수 없는 뛰어나고 신비한 존재. Noun
🌏 SUPERNATURALNESS: A distinguished and mysterious being, which cannot be explained by the law of natural science.

(再演) : 연극이나 영화 등을 다시 상연하거나 상영함. Noun
🌏 PRESENTING AGAIN; RE-RUN: The act of performing or screening a play, movie, etc., again.

(必然) : 조금도 어긋나지 않고 반드시. Adverb
🌏 CERTAINLY; SURELY; WITHOUT FAIL: Certainly, without fail.

(蓋然) : 일반적으로 그 일이 생길 가능성이 높음. Noun
🌏 PROBABILITY; LIKELIHOOD: A highly likelihood in general of something happening.

(惡緣) : 좋지 못한 인연. Noun
🌏 ILL-FATED RELATIONSHIP; EVIL DESTINY: A bad relationship with someone.

(口演) : 여러 사람 앞에서 어떤 이야기의 내용을 실감 나고 재미있게 말로 이야기함. Noun
🌏 ORAL NARRATION: The act of telling a story in front of an audience, in a realistic and interesting way.

순회공 (巡廻公演) : 여러 곳을 돌아다니면서 하는 공연. Noun
🌏 ROAD SHOW; SHOW ON TOUR: A show that goes around several places to perform.

무위자 (無爲自然) : 사람의 힘을 보태지 않은 그대로의 자연. Noun
🌏 NATURE AS IT IS: The nature as it is, without being tainted by humans.

(深淵) : 깊은 연못. Noun
🌏 DEEP POND: A deep pond.

(酒宴) : 술을 마시며 노는 잔치. Noun
🌏 PARTY WITH DRINKS: A party where people enjoy themselves over drinks.

(出捐) : 돈이나 물건을 내어 도와줌. Noun
🌏 DONATION; CONTRIBUTION: An act of giving money or goods to an organization, etc., to support or help out.

축하 (祝賀宴) : 축하하기 위해 여는 잔치. Noun
🌏 CELEBRATION: A party held to celebrate a happy event.

(協演) : 한 독주자가 다른 독주자나 악단과 함께 음악을 연주함. 또는 그런 연주. Noun
🌏 PERFORMING TOGETHER; COLLABORATION: A state in which a soloist plays music with another musician or band; or such a performance.

(自然) : 사람의 손길이나 외부의 작용이 미치지 않고 저절로. Adverb
🌏 NATURALLY: Automatically without someone's touch or external control.

(絕緣) : 인연이나 관계를 완전히 끊음. Noun
🌏 BEING ESTRANGED: The act of completely severing a connection or relationship.

(突然) : 미처 생각하지 못한 사이에 갑자기. Adverb
🌏 SUDDENLY; ABRUPTLY: Unexpectedly and all of a sudden.

(饗宴) : 특별히 극진하게 손님을 대접하는 잔치. Noun
🌏 FEAST; BANQUET; PARTY: A feast at which guests are treated extremely hospitably.

(熱演) : 어떤 역할을 맡아 열심히 연기함. 또는 그런 연기. Noun
🌏 ENTHUSIASTIC PERFORMANCE: The act of playing one's part zealously; such acting.

간접흡 (間接吸煙) : 다른 사람이 피우는 담배 연기를 들이마시는 것. Noun
🌏 SECOND-HAND SMOKING: The act of inhaling the smoke from someone's cigarette.

(全然) : 도무지. 또는 완전히. Adverb
🌏 COMPLETELY: Far from or totally.

(結緣) : 둘 이상의 사람이나 기관이 가까운 관계를 맺음. 또는 그런 관계. Noun
🌏 FORMING A RELATIONSHIP; RELATIONSHIP; TIES: A state in which two or more people or organizations form a close relationship; or such a relationship.

Apologizing (7) Describing personality (365) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Using a pharmacy (10) Pop culture (52) Introducing (introducing oneself) (52) Environmental issues (226) Using the hospital (204) Religion (43) School life (208) The arts (76) Geological information (138) Language (160) Pop culture (82) Economics and business administration (273) Performance & appreciation (8) Dietary culture (104) Describing food (78) Mentality (191) Law (42) Expressing emotion/feelings (41) Education (151) Dating and getting married (19) Sports (88) Climate (53) Watching a movie (105) Expressing date (59) History (92) Describing clothes (110) Politics (149)