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: 네 계절 중의 하나로 가을과 봄 사이의 추운 계절. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 WINTER: One of four seasons which is the coldest, and comes between fall and spring.

: 아주 힘들게. ☆☆ Adverb
🌏 WITH DIFFICULTY: With much effort.

울철 : 계절이 겨울인 때. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 WINTER SEASON; WINTERTIME: The season of winter.

: 어떤 사물을 활이나 총 등으로 맞추려고 겨눔. Noun
🌏 AIMING; TARGETING: An act of adjusting the direction of an arrow or a gun to be focused on a target.

누다 : 칼이나 총, 활 등의 무기로 목표 대상을 찌르거나 쏘려는 태세를 갖추다. Verb
🌏 AIM; POINT: To get weapons such as swords, guns, and bows ready for stabbing or shooting a target.

드랑이 : 어깨에서 이어진 양 팔 밑의 오목한 곳. Noun
🌏 ARMPIT: The sunken part under an arm, joined to the shoulder.

루다 : 누가 더 힘이 센지, 누가 더 뛰어난지 드러나도록 싸우다. Verb
🌏 COMPETE; MATCH; CONTENT: To engage in a match to decide who is stronger or better.

를 : 어떤 일을 할 만한 잠시 동안의 시간. Bound Noun
🌏 BRIEF PERIOD: A bound noun used to refer to brief time during which one can afford to do something.

: 벼, 보리 등의 곡식을 찧을 때 벗겨져 나오는 얇은 껍질. Noun
🌏 BRAN; HULLS; HUSKS: A very thin skin of grain such as rice, barley, etc., separated from the grain when it is pounded.

묻은 개가 똥 묻은 개를 나무란다[흉본다] : 결점이 있기는 마찬가지인데 조금 덜한 사람이 더한 사람을 흉보는 경우를 비꼬아 이르는 말.
🌏 A DOG WITH HUSKS OF GRAIN REBUKES[SPEAKS ILL OF] A DOG WITH DUNG: A sarcastic expression about a person who has small faults and speaks ill of someone with greater faults while both have faults.

냥하다 : 어떤 사물을 활이나 총 등으로 맞추려고 겨누다. Verb
🌏 AIM; TARGET: To adjust the direction of an arrow or a gun to be focused on a target.

드랑 : 어깨에서 이어진 양 팔 밑의 오목한 곳. Noun
🌏 ARMPITS: The hollow part under both arms linked to the shoulder.

레 : 같은 조상을 섬기며 역사를 함께하는 민족. Noun
🌏 COMPATRIOTS; OFFSPRING OF THE SAME FOREBEARS: People who have the same ancestors and history.

레말 : 한 겨레, 민족이 쓰는 말. Noun
🌏 THE LANGUAGE OF A PEOPLE; MOTHER TONGUE: The language used by one people or by one ethnic group.

루기 : 두 사람의 서로의 기량을 겨루는 태권도 기술. Noun
🌏 TAEKWONDO SPARRING: Taekwondo technique for two sparring players.

룸 : 누가 더 힘이 센지, 누가 더 뛰어난지 드러나도록 싸움. Noun
🌏 CONTEST; COMPETITION: Dueling to see who is stronger and better.

우겨우 : 지나칠 정도로 힘들고 어렵게. Adverb
🌏 WITH MUCH DIFFICULTY: With much effort to an excessive degree.

우내 : 겨울 동안 내내. Adverb
🌏 DURING THE WINTER: All through the winter.

우살이 : 겨울 동안 사용할 양식이나 연료, 옷 등의 살림. Noun
🌏 WINTER CLOTHES; WINTER FOOD: Household supplies such as food, fuel, clothing, etc., which will be used during the winter.

울 방학 (겨울 放學) : 겨울에 한창 추울 때 학교의 수업을 일정 기간 동안 쉬는 것. 또는 그 기간. None
🌏 WINTER BREAK; WINTER VACATION: A break that lasts for a certain period during winter when it is the coldest, or such a period.

울나기 : 사람이나 동물, 식물 등이 여러 상태나 방법으로 겨울을 지내는 일. Noun
🌏 WINTERING: An act of going through a winter season in various states or methods by people, animals, and plants.

울나무 : 겨울이 되어 앙상하게 나뭇가지만 남은 나무. Noun
🌏 WINTER TREE: A tree that has lost all its foliage in winter.

울날 : 겨울철의 날. Noun
🌏 WINTER DAY: A day in the wintertime.

울눈 : 늦여름부터 가을 사이에 생겨 겨울을 지낸 후 이듬해 봄이 되어 자라는 싹. Noun
🌏 WINTER BUD: A bud that forms between late summer and fall, goes through the winter, and grows in the following spring.

울맞이 : 다가올 겨울철을 맞아 미리 여러가지를 준비하는 것. Noun
🌏 WINTER PREPARATIONS: An act of getting ready multiple things in preparations for wintertime.

울바람 : 겨울에 부는 차가운 바람. Noun
🌏 WINTER WIND: A cold wind that blows in the wintertime.

울비 : 겨울철에 내리는 비. Noun
🌏 WINTER RAIN: Rain falling in the wintertime.

울새 : 한국에서 겨울을 지내는 철새. Noun
🌏 WINTER BIRD: Birds that migrate to Korea to spend the winter.

울옷 : 겨울철에 입는 옷. Noun
🌏 WINTER CLOTHES: Clothes worn during the wintertime.

울용 (겨울 用) : 특별히 겨울철에 사용하는 것. Noun
🌏 FOR WINTER USE: Something used particularly in winter.

울잠 : 동물이 겨울을 나기 위해 활동을 멈추고 겨울철 동안 자는 잠. Noun
🌏 HIBERNATION: A state of sleep in animals without being active to spend the winter.

자 : 씨가 양념이나 약으로 쓰이고 노란 꽃이 피는 식물. Noun
🌏 MUSTARD PLANT: A plant with yellow flowers, whose seeds are used as a spice or medicine.

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