친족 (親族) : 주로 이름의 성이 같고 촌수가 가까운 사람. Noun
🌏 RELATIVE: A person who is close in degree of kinship, usually who has the same family name as one's own family name.

친화 (親和) : 서로 친하게 잘 어울림. Noun
🌏 HARMONY; FRIENDSHIP; AFFINITY: The state of being on friendly terms and in harmony with one another.

낯익다 : 전에 보거나 만난 적이 있어 알아볼 수 있거나 친숙하다. Adjective
🌏 FAMILIAR: Recognizable or intimate due to a previous encounter or meeting.

신세 (身世) : 다른 사람에게 도움을 받는 일이나 미안하고 실례가 되는 일. Noun
🌏 DEBT OF GRATITUDE: The act of receiving help from other people, or something that is troublesome or a burden.

얕보다 : 실제보다 낮추어 하찮게 보다. Verb
🌏 DEVALUE; DISESTEEM: To look down on someone or something.

대등 (對等) : 어느 한쪽의 힘이나 능력이 낫거나 못하지 않고 서로 비슷함. Noun
🌏 BEING EQUAL; BEING EVEN: A state in which two entities are about the same in their power or ability without one being better or worse than the other.

대장 (大將) : 한 무리나 집단의 우두머리. Noun
🌏 HEAD; LEADER: A head of a group or party.

감언이설 (甘言利說) : 남을 속이기 위하여, 남의 비위를 맞추거나 상황이 이로운 것처럼 꾸민 말. Noun
🌏 SWEET TALK: Lies to deceive someone, to flatter someone or to give the impression of a favorable situation.

피로연 (披露宴) : 결혼이나 출생 등의 기쁜 일을 널리 알리기 위해 베푸는 잔치. Noun
🌏 BANQUET; RECEPTION: A party thrown to widely announce a happy event, such as a wedding, birth, etc.

애칭 (愛稱) : 원래 이름 대신 친하고 다정하게 부르는 이름. Noun
🌏 PET NAME; NICKNAME: A name used instead of real name for calling someone affectionately and endearingly.

백년해로 (百年偕老) : 부부가 되어 평생을 사이좋게 지내고 행복하게 함께 늙음. Noun
🌏 MARRIED COUPLE GROWING OLD TOGETHER: A couple growing old together happily as husband and wife for the rest of their lives.

따돌림 : 밉거나 싫은 사람을 따로 떼어 멀리하거나 괴롭힘. Noun
🌏 BULLYING: The act of ostracizing or harassing someone whom one dislikes or hates.

험담 (險談) : 남의 부족한 점이나 잘못 등을 들추어 헐뜯음. 또는 그런 말. Noun
🌏 SLANDER; BACKBITING; GOSSIP: An act of revealing and speaking ill of someone's shortcomings or faults, etc.

봐주다 : 남의 입장을 이해하거나 잘못을 문제 삼지 않고 넘어가다. Verb
🌏 UNDERSTAND; TOLERATE; TURN A BLIND EYE TO: To understand someone's situation, or not to make an issue out of someone's fault or mistake.

부양 (扶養) : 수입이 없어서 혼자 생활하기 어려운 사람을 돌봄. Noun
🌏 SUPPORT: The act of taking care of someone who cannot live on his/her own because he/she has no income.

집사람 : (겸손하게 이르는 말로) 자기 아내. Noun
🌏 WIFE: (modest) One's wife.

쩔쩔매다 : 어려운 일을 당하여 어찌할 바를 모르고 헤매다. Verb
🌏 STRUGGLE: To be bewildered due to an occurrence of a difficult situation, not knowing what to do.

동등 (同等) : 등급이나 정도가 같음. 또는 그런 등급이나 정도. Noun
🌏 EQUALITY: The state or quality of having the same ranking or being of the same amount, or such a ranking or amount.

동성 (同性) : 성별이 같음. Noun
🌏 SAME SEX: The same gender.

차례 (茶禮) : 추석이나 설날 등의 낮에 지내는 제사. Noun
🌏 CHARYE: ancestral rite: A memorial ceremony held during the day on Chuseok, Korean Thanksgiving Day, or Seollal, Lunar New Year's Day, etc.

주례 (主禮) : 결혼식 등에서 식을 맡아 진행하는 일. Noun
🌏 OFFICIATING: The act of presiding over a ceremony such as a wedding.

결별 (訣別) : 관계나 사귐을 끊고 헤어지는 것. Noun
🌏 SEPARATION; BREAKUP; SPLIT: Ending a relationship and parting.

참견 (參見) : 자기와 관계가 없는 일에 끼어들어 나서거나 말함. Noun
🌏 INTERFERENCE: An act of interfering in others' matters, which have nothing to do with oneself.

친교 (親交) : 친하고 가깝게 사귐. 또는 그렇게 사귄 정. Noun
🌏 FRIENDSHIP: The state of being close to someone; or the attachment forming in such a manner.

기만 (欺瞞) : 남을 속임. Noun
🌏 DECEPTION: The act of deceiving someone.

천생연분 (天生緣分) : 하늘이 맺어 준 인연. Noun
🌏 SOULMATE: One's divinely foreordained spouse.

맏형 (맏 兄) : 여러 형들 가운데 나이가 가장 많은 형. Noun
🌏 ELDEST BROTHER: The eldest brother among many brothers.

아비 : (낮춤말로) 자녀를 둔 남자를 이르거나 부르는 말. Noun
🌏 DAD; FATHER: (low form) A word used to refer to or address a man who has children.

(孃) : 여자인 아랫사람을 조금 높여 이르거나 부르는 말. Bound Noun
🌏 MS.: A moderately-raised form used to refer to or address a female listener who is younger or lower than oneself.

피차 (彼此) : 이쪽과 저쪽의 양쪽. Noun
🌏 BOTH; EACH OTHER: Both sides.

첫인사 (첫 人事) : 사람을 처음 만났을 때, 또는 편지 등에서 처음으로 하는 인사. Noun
🌏 FIRST GREETING: The greeting given to a person one meets for the first time.

절친하다 (切親 하다) : 매우 친하다. Adjective
🌏 CLOSE: Very intimate

고인 (故人) : 죽은 사람. Noun

연하 (年下) : 자기보다 나이가 적음. 또는 그런 사람. Noun
🌏 BEING YOUNGER; YOUNGER PERSON: The state of being younger than someone; a person who is younger than someone.

무례 (無禮) : 말이나 행동에 예의가 없음. Noun
🌏 RUDENESS; DISRESPECT: The quality of having no manners in one's words or behavior.

헌신적 (獻身的) : 몸과 마음을 바쳐 모든 정성과 노력을 다하는. Determiner
🌏 DEVOTED; DEDICATED; COMMITTED: Trying hard sincerely to do something with one's heart and soul.

년생 (年生) : 어떤 학년의 학생임을 이르는 말. Bound Noun
🌏 NYEONSAENG: A bound noun used to refer to a student in a certain grade.

송년 (送年) : 한 해를 보냄. Noun
🌏 YEAR-END: The act of bidding the old year out.

각별하다 (各別 하다) : 관계나 태도 등이 보통과 다르게 아주 특별하다. Adjective
🌏 SPECIAL; EXTRAORDINARY: Treating someone in a special way or differently in a positive way in a relationship, attitude, etc.

(故) : 이미 세상을 떠난. Determiner
🌏 THE LATE: Being already dead.

따돌리다 : 밉거나 싫은 사람을 따로 떼어 멀리하거나 괴롭히다. Verb
🌏 EXCLUDE: To be separated from, distance oneself from, or give a hard time to someone one hates or does not like.

반항 (反抗) : 다른 사람이나 대상에 맞서 달려들거나 부딪힘. Noun
🌏 DEFIANCE; DISOBEDIENCE; REBELLION: The act of confronting, attacking or colliding with another person or object.

신의 (信義) : 믿음과 의리. Noun
🌏 FIDELITY; TRUTHFULNESS: Faith and loyalty.

노릇 : (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 직업으로 하는 일이나 직책을 맡아 하는 역할. Noun
🌏 JOB; WORK: (disparaging) What one does as his/her occupation; or a role assumed in line with his/her position.

노처녀 (老處女) : 결혼할 나이를 훨씬 넘겼지만 결혼하지 않은 여자. Noun
🌏 OLD MAID; SPINSTER: A single woman who is past marriageable age but has not married.

노총각 (老總角) : 결혼할 나이를 훨씬 넘겼지만 결혼하지 않은 남자. Noun
🌏 OLD BACHELOR: A single man who is past marriageable age but has not married.

: 결혼할 상대를 정하기 위하여 다른 사람의 소개로 남녀가 만나 보는 일. Noun
🌏 BLIND DATE WITH A POTENTIAL SPOUSE: An act of a man and woman being introduced to each other for the first time, mediated by a friend or acquaintance, to find a future spouse.

단결 (團結) : 여러 사람이 마음과 힘을 한데 합침. Noun
🌏 SOLIDARITY; UNITY; UNION: Many people making efforts together toward the same goal.

헐뜯다 : 남에게 해를 입히기 위해 나쁘게 말하다. Verb
🌏 SLANDER; MALIGN; SPEAK ILL OF: To speak ill of another to do harm to him/her.

여사 (女史) : (높이는 말로) 결혼한 여자. Noun
🌏 MRS.: (polite form) A married woman.

등지다 : 서로 사이가 나빠지다. Verb
🌏 BECOME ESTRANGED: For two people to not get along any more.

여의다 : 부모나 배우자가 죽어서 이별하다. Verb
🌏 BE BEREAVED OF; LOSE; BE BEREFT OF: To part from one's parent or spouse due to his/her death.

외동딸 : (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 다른 자식 없이 단 하나뿐인 딸. Noun
🌏 ONLY DAUGHTER: (endearing) The only daughter in a family without any other children.

외동아들 : (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 다른 자식 없이 하나뿐인 아들. Noun
🌏 ONLY SON: (endearing) The only son in a family without any other children.

위계질서 (位階秩序) : 직책이나 지위의 상하 관계에서 마땅히 지켜야 할 차례와 순서. Noun
🌏 ORDER OF RANK; HIERARCHY: An order or sequence of turns that one is expected to follow in vertical relationships among people of different ranks or position.

뒷바라지 : 뒤에서 보살피며 도와주는 일. Noun
🌏 CARE: The act of helping and caring for someone.

현모양처 (賢母良妻) : 마음이 너그럽고 슬기로운 어머니이면서 착한 아내. Noun
🌏 WISE MOTHER AND GOOD WIFE: A compound noun for a benevolent, wise mother, and good wife.

상견례 (相見禮) : 여러 사람들이 공식적으로 처음 만나 서로 인사하는 일. Noun
🌏 FIRST MEETING: An official meeting where many people see and get introduced to each other for the first time.

상봉 (相逢) : 서로 만남. Noun
🌏 MEETING; REUNION: An act of meeting one another.

새댁 (새 宅) : (높이는 말로) 새색시. Noun
🌏 NEWLYWED BRIDE: (polite form) A new bride.

선후배 (先後輩) : 선배와 후배. Noun
🌏 OLDER AND YOUNGER ALUMNI: Seniors and juniors.

혼인 (婚姻) : 남자와 여자가 부부가 되는 일. Noun
🌏 MARRIAGE; WEDDING: A state in which a man and woman become a married couple.

회갑 (回甲) : 사람이 태어난 지 만 육십 년이 되는 예순 번째 생일. Noun
🌏 ONE'S SIXTIETH BIRTHDAY; THE AGE OF SIXTY: The sixtieth birthday of a person.

조의금 (弔意金) : 남의 죽음을 슬퍼하는 뜻으로 내는 돈. Noun
🌏 CONDOLENCE MONEY: Money offered as a gesture to mourn the death of someone.

동행 (同行) : 함께 길을 감. Noun
🌏 ACCOMPANYING: The act of making a journey together.

또래 : 나이나 수준이 서로 비슷한 무리. 또는 그 무리에 속한 사람. Noun
🌏 PEER: A group of people of similar age or level, or a person in such a group.

경청 (傾聽) : 다른 사람이 말하는 것을 귀를 기울여 들음. Noun
🌏 LISTENING ATTENTIVELY; LISTENING COURTEOUSLY; BEING ALL EARS: Listening to what the other person says very attentively.

중매 (仲媒) : 결혼이 이루어지도록 남녀를 소개하는 일. Noun
🌏 MATCHMAKING: The act of matching a man with a woman for marriage.

(代) : 한 집안에 조상으로부터 이어져 내려오는 혈통과 계보. Noun
🌏 LINEAGE; FAMILY TREE: A family's bloodline and pedigree that has been passed down from generation to generation.

불화 (不和) : 서로 사이 좋게 어울리지 못함. Noun
🌏 DISHARMONY; DISCORD: Failure to being on friendly terms and in harmony with one another.

불효자 (不孝子) : 부모를 효성스럽게 모시어 받들지 않은 자식. Noun
🌏 UNDUTIFUL CHILD; UNFILIAL CHILD: A child who does not respect nor take good care of his/her parents.

지인 (知人) : 아는 사람. Noun
🌏 ACQUAINTANCE: A person whom one knows.

하객 (賀客) : 축하해 주러 온 손님. Noun
🌏 GUEST; VISITOR: A person coming to congratulate someone on a certain event.

양해 (諒解) : 다른 사람의 사정이나 잘못을 이해하고 너그럽게 받아들임. Noun
🌏 UNDERSTANDING; EXCUSE: An act of understanding others' situation or fault, and taking it broad-mindedly.

돈독하다 (敦篤 하다) : 믿음, 의리, 인정 등이 깊고 성실하다. Adjective
🌏 CLOSE; RELIABLE: Trustworthy, faithful, compassionate, and sincere.

오누이 : 오빠와 여동생. Noun
🌏 BROTHER AND SISTER: A brother and his younger sister.

맏이 : 여러 형제자매 가운데 첫 번째로 태어난 사람. Noun
🌏 FIRSTBORN: The firstborn child among many brothers and sisters.

헌신적 (獻身的) : 몸과 마음을 바쳐 모든 정성과 노력을 다하는 것. Noun
🌏 BEING DEVOTED; BEING DEDICATED; BEING COMMITTED: A state of trying hard sincerely to do something with one's heart and soul.

상의 (相議/商議) : 서로 의견을 주고받음. Noun
🌏 DISCUSSION: The act of talking and exchanging opinions with one another.

예전 : 꽤 시간이 흐른 지난날. Noun
🌏 PAST; OLD DAYS: Past days after which quite a long time has passed.

처가 (妻家) : 아내의 친정집. Noun
🌏 WIFE'S HOME: The home of one's wife's parents.

누이 : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 사이나 일가친척 가운데 남자가 여자 형제를 이르는 말. Noun
🌏 SISTER: A term of address used by a boy in referring to a girl who is either a sibling born to the same parents or a relative.

혈연 (血緣) : 같은 핏줄로 이어진 관계. Noun
🌏 BLOOD RELATION; BLOOD TIES: A relation which is formed based on blood.

유대감 (紐帶感) : 서로 가깝게 이어지거나 결합되어 통하는 느낌. Noun
🌏 BOND; FELLOWSHIP: The feeling of being closely connected or combined and being understood well.

내치다 : 내던져 버리다. Verb
🌏 THROW AWAY: To throw something away.

총각 (總角) : 결혼하지 않은 어른 남자. Noun
🌏 BACHELOR; SINGLE MAN: An adult man who is not married.

섬기다 : 윗사람을 따르고 받들어 모시다. Verb
🌏 SERVE: To follow and worship a superior.

우대 (優待) : 특별히 잘 대우함. 또는 그런 대우. Noun
🌏 FAVORABLE TREATMENT; HOSPITALITY: The act of giving someone special treatment; such treatment.

모친 (母親) : 자기 혹은 다른 사람의 어머니를 정중하게 이르는 말. Noun
🌏 MOTHER: A polite way of calling one's own or another person's mother.

(君) : 남자인 친구나 아랫사람을 친근하게 부르거나 이르는 말. Bound Noun
🌏 GUN: A bound noun used to refer to or address a male friend or someone who is younger in a friendly manner.

꼬마 : (귀엽게 이르는 말로) 어린아이. Noun
🌏 LITTLE BOY; LITTLE GIRL; KID: (endearingly) A little child.

가문 (家門) : 한 조상으로부터 이어져 내려오는 집안. 또는 그 사회적 지위. Noun
🌏 FAMILY; CLAN: A family that descends from the same ancestor or the social status of such a family.

과부 (寡婦) : 남편이 죽고 나서 남편 없이 사는 여자. Noun
🌏 WIDOW: A woman remaining unmarried after her husband's death.

얌체 : (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 자기 이익만 생각하고 부끄러움을 모르는 사람. Noun
🌏 FREE RIDER; SELFISH PERSON: (disparaging) A person who pursues self-interest only, and is shameless.

출생 (出生) : 세상에 나옴. Noun
🌏 BIRTH: An act of coming out of a womb, into the world.

배신 (背信) : 상대방의 믿음과 의리를 저버림. Noun
🌏 BETRAYAL; TREACHERY: The act of betraying the other side's trust and fidelity.

이상형 (理想型) : 가장 완전하다고 생각하는 사람의 유형. Noun
🌏 IDEAL TYPE: The type of a person whom one considers to be perfect.

형부 (兄夫) : 언니의 남편을 이르거나 부르는 말. Noun
🌏 BROTHER-IN-LAW: A word used to refer to or address one's elder sister's husband.

꾸짖다 : 윗사람이 아랫사람의 잘못을 몹시 나무라다. Verb
🌏 SCOLD; REBUKE: For an elder to severely point out a mistake or wrongdoing of a younger person.

본명 (本名) : 가명이나 별명이 아닌 원래 이름. Noun
🌏 REAL NAME: The original name, neither an alias nor a nickname.

Using public institutions (59) Marriage and love (28) Describing location (70) Appearance (121) Inviting and visiting (28) Describing personality (365) Family events (during national holidays) (2) Geological information (138) Law (42) Greeting (17) Mass media (47) History (92) Weather and season (101) The arts (76) Sports (88) Travel (98) The arts (23) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Human relationships (255) Human relationships (52) Purchasing goods (99) Life in Korea (16) Describing food (78) Using transportation (124) Politics (149) Describing a dish (119) Making a promise (4) School life (208) Making a phone call (15) Expressing time (82)