🌟 층층시하 (層層侍下)


1. 부모나 할아버지와 할머니 등의 어른들을 모시고 사는 처지.

1. SERVING BOTH ONE'S PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS: One's situation of living with and taking care of such seniors in the family as one's father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc.

🗣️ Usage Example:
  • 층층시하의 종가.
    The closing price of a stratigraphy.
  • 층층시하의 집안.
    House under stratigraphy.
  • 층층시하인 시댁.
    In-laws who are layered servants.
  • 층층시하를 살다.
    Live a stratified stream.
  • 층층시하에서 시집살이하다.
    Be married under a stratified stream.
  • 어머니는 종갓집 며느리로서 층층시하의 집안 어른들을 봉양하며 일평생을 보내셨다.
    My mother was the daughter-in-law of the great-great-granddaughter who spent her entire life in the care of the elders of the house under her roof.
  • 증조부모까지 모시고 사는 우리 시댁은 그야말로 층층시하이다.
    Our in-laws, who live with their great-grandparents, are literally in-laws.
  • 맏며느리로서 지내는 시집살이가 많이 고되세요?
    Are you having a hard time getting married as the eldest daughter?
    층층시하의 큰 살림을 도맡아 하려니까 정말 만만치 않네요.
    It's really tough trying to manage the big housekeeping under the stairs.

🗣️ Pronunciation, Application: 층층시하 (층층시하)









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