🌾 End:


낙제 (落第生) : 진급을 하지 못하거나 시험에 떨어진 사람. Noun
🌏 FAILED STUDENT: A person who fails to advance to a higher school, class, or level.

전학 (轉學生) : 다니던 학교에서 다른 학교로 옮긴 학생. Noun
🌏 TRANSFER STUDENT: A student who has moved from his/her former school to a new one.

(派生) : 근본이 되는 어떤 것으로부터 갈려 나와 생김. Noun
🌏 DERIVATION; SPIN-OFF: The state of something forming by diverging from something else which is the base.

(新生) : 단체나 조직 등이 새로 생김. Noun
🌏 NEWBORN: A group or organization being newly established.

문하 (門下生) : 스승의 아래에서 가르침을 받는 제자. Noun
🌏 PUPIL; DISCIPLE: A pupil that learns from a teacher.

누이동 : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 사이이거나 일가친척 가운데 항렬이 같은 사이에서, 남자의 여자 동생. Noun
🌏 YOUNGER SISTER: A term of address used by a man in referring to his younger sister who is either a sibling born to the same parents or a relative.

연구 (硏究生) : 대학을 마치고 학위를 얻기 위하여 연구 기관에서 더 연구하는 학생. Noun
🌏 RESEARCH STUDENT: A student who conducts research in a research institute to earn a degree after finishing college.

연년 (年年生) : 한 어머니가 두 아이를 한 살 차이로 낳음. 또는 그 아이. Noun
🌏 BEING BORN A YEAR APART; TWO SIBLINGS A YEAR APART IN AGE: A mother giving birth to two children within a year of each other; the children.

연수 (硏修生) : 연수를 받는 사람. Noun
🌏 TRAINEE: A person who is in training.

연습 (練習生) : 어떤 기술이나 지식을 익히기 위해 연습하는 사람. Noun
🌏 TRAINEE; APPRENTICE: A person who practices to learn a certain skill or knowledge.

(更生) : 거의 죽기 직전의 상태에서 다시 살아남. Noun
🌏 REVIVAL; RECOVERY: Being recovered from a near-death state.

(永生) : 영원한 삶. Noun
🌏 IMMORTALITY: Eternal life.

편입 (編入生) : 학교의 첫 학년에 입학하지 않고 어떤 학년에 끼어 들어가는 학생. Noun
🌏 TRANSFER STUDENT: A student joining a certain grade at a school, without entering the school as a first grader.

(共生) : 서로 도우며 함께 삶. Noun
🌏 COOPERATION: A state of living together and helping each other.

(dessin) : 주로 연필 등을 사용하여 선에 의하여 어떤 이미지를 그려 내는 기술. 또는 그런 작품. Noun
🌏 DESIGN: A skill of drawing a certain image with lines usually by using a pencil; or such a drawing.

(畢生) : 살아 있는 동안. Noun
🌏 ONE'S LIFETIME; ONE'S WHOLE LIFE: The time in which one lives.

우등 (優等生) : 성적이 우수한 학생. Noun
🌏 HONORS MAN; HONOR STUDENT: A student who achieves high marks.

하급 (下級生) : 학년이 낮은 학생. Noun
🌏 JUNIOR STUDENT; UNDERCLASSMAN: A student in a lower class in school.

(院生) : ‘-원’ 자가 붙은 기관에 수용되어 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 INMATE: A person housed in an institution whose name ends with 'won' in Korean.

하숙 (下宿生) : 방세와 밥값을 내고 남의 집에 머물면서 먹고 자는 학생. Noun
🌏 LODGER; BOARDER: A student who stays in another's house, paying for a room and meals.

여중 (女中生) : 여자 중학생. Noun
🌏 MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRL: A female middle school student.

유치원 (幼稚園生) : 유치원에 다니는 어린이. Noun
🌏 KINDERGARTENER: A child attending a kindergarten.

불로장 (不老長生) : 늙지 않고 오래 삶. Noun
🌏 ETERNAL YOUTH: Longevity without aging.

(前生) : 이 세상에 태어나기 이전의 생애. Noun
🌏 PREVIOUS LIFE; PAST LIFE: A life one lived before he/she was born to this world.

생고 (生苦生) : 하지 않아도 되는데 일부러 하거나 뜻하지 않게 하게 된 고생. Noun
🌏 TROUBLE: Unnecessary trouble suffered either intentionally or unintentionally.

상급 (上級生) : 학년이 높은 학생. Noun
🌏 SENIOR STUDENT; UPPER CLASSMEN: A student in a upper class in school.

(先生) : 가르치는 일을 직업으로 가지고 있는 사람. Noun
🌏 TEACHER; INSTRUCTOR: A person whose job it is to teach.

복학 (復學生) : 일정 기간 동안 학교를 쉬고 있다가 다시 학교에 다니는 학생. Noun
🌏 RETURN STUDENT: A student who goes back to school after a period of leave of absence.

(還生) : 다시 살아남. Noun
🌏 REINCARNATION; REVIVAL: A state of coming alive again.

(回生) : 죽어 가던 것이 다시 살아남. Noun
🌏 REVIVAL; RECOVERY; SURVIVAL: The revival of a dying thing.

훈련 (訓鍊生) : 훈련을 받고 있는 학생. Noun
🌏 TRAINEE; APPRENTICE: A student who is being trained.

독선 (獨先生) : 한 집의 아이만을 맡아서 가르치는 선생. Noun
🌏 PRIVATE TUTOR: A person who is dedicated solely to teaching a child in a family.

시동 (媤 동생) : 남편의 남동생. Noun
🌏 BROTHER-IN-LAW: The younger brother of one's husband.

중고 (中高生) : 중학생과 고등학생. Noun
🌏 MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: A middle school student and a high school student.

지각 (遲刻生) : 정해진 시각보다 늦게 출근하거나 등교하는 사람. Noun
🌏 TARDY PERSON: A person who goes to work or school later than the regular time.

담임 선 (擔任先生) : 한 반이나 한 학년을 책임지고 맡아서 가르치는 선생님. None
🌏 HOMEROOM TEACHER: A teacher who teaches and is in charge of a class or grade.

수강 (受講生) : 강의나 강습을 받는 학생. Noun
🌏 STUDENT; ATTENDEE: A student who is taking a course or class.

반평 (半平生) : 살아온 날들의 반 정도 되는 기간. Noun
🌏 HALF OF ONE'S LIFE: The period of about half of one's lifetime.

고학 (苦學生) : 스스로 학비를 벌어서 고생하며 학교에 다니는 학생. Noun
🌏 STUDENT WHO WORKS WHILE STUDYING TO EARN SCHOOL EXPENSES: A student who studies while working hard to earn school expenses.

(蘇生/甦生) : 죽어 가던 것이 다시 살아남. Noun
🌏 REVIVAL; RECOVERY: The revival of a dying thing.

여고 (女高生) : 여자 고등학생. Noun
🌏 HIGH SCHOOL GIRL: A female high school student.

이복동 (異腹 동생) : 아버지는 같고 어머니는 다른 동생. Noun
🌏 HALF LITTLE BROTHER; HALF LITTLE SISTER: One's little brother or sister who has the same father as one but not the same mother.

마음고 (마음 苦生) : 마음속으로 겪는 어려움이나 힘듦. Noun
🌏 DIFFICULT TIME: An emotionally difficult time or period of suffering.

지망 (志望生) : 어떤 전문적인 일을 배우고자 하는 사람. Noun
🌏 ASPIRANT: A person who wishes to learn a specialized skill.

(衆生) : 불교에서, 모든 살아 있는 무리. Noun
🌏 SENTIENT BEINGS: In Buddhism, all living beings.

수료 (修了生) : 학문이나 기술을 배우는 일정한 과정을 마친 학생. Noun
🌏 GRADUATE: A student who has finished a certain curriculum of learning studies or skills.

입시 (入試生) : 입학하기 위해 치르는 시험을 준비하는 학생. Noun
🌏 STUDENT PREPARING FOR AN ENTRANCE EXAM: A student who is preparing for an entrance examination to be admitted to a college, etc.

(放生) : 불교에서 사람에게 잡힌 물고기나 새 등을 연못이나 산에 놓아주는 일. Noun
🌏 RELEASING OF ANIMALS: A Buddhist practice of setting fish, birds, etc. captivated by humans free in the pond or mountain.

국민학 (國民學生) : 국민학교에 다니는 학생. Noun
🌏 PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENT; ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT: A student who goes to primary school.

(天生) : 성품, 운명 등을 지니고 태어남. 또는 그러한 바탕. Noun
🌏 SOMETHING DESIGNED BY NATURE: The feature of being born with a certain character, destiny, etc., or such a background.

: 태어날 때부터 아주. Adverb
🌏 INNATELY; INHERENTLY: In the state of having from birth.

다년 (多年生) : 이 년 이상 살아 있는 식물. Noun
🌏 PERENNATION: A plant that lives for more than two years.

기사회 (起死回生) : 거의 죽을 뻔하다가 다시 살아남. Noun
🌏 RESUSCITATION: The act of reviving from a near death.

(敎生) : 대학교에서 교사 교육을 받는 과정 중에 학교에 가서 가르치는 실습을 하는 학생. Noun
🌏 TRAINEE TEACHER: A student in the middle of a teacher education course in a university, who practices teaching in a school.

재적 (在籍生) : 학교에 정식으로 등록되어 있는 학생. Noun
🌏 ENROLLED STUDENT: A student that is formally registered with a school.

친동 (親 동생) : 같은 부모에게서 태어난 동생. Noun
🌏 ONE'S YOUNGER SIBLING: The younger brother or sister to whom the same parents gave birth.

(攝生) : 건강을 지키기 위하여 음식을 가려 먹거나 올바른 생활을 함. Noun
🌏 REGIMEN: The manner of keeping a certain diet or leading a good life in order to be healthy.

개인위 (個人衛生) : 개인의 질병을 미리 막고 건강을 지키기 위한 위생. Noun
🌏 PERSONAL HYGIENE: Hygiene of an individual, for prevention of diseases and improvement of health.

(書生) : 유교를 공부하는 사람. Noun
🌏 YOUNG CONFUCIAN: A person who studies Confucianism.

대학원 (大學院生) : 대학원에 다니는 학생. Noun
🌏 GRADUATE STUDENT: A student attending graduate school.

휴학 (休學生) : 일정한 기간 동안 학교를 쉬는 학생. Noun
🌏 STUDENT ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE; STUDENT TAKING A BREAK FROM STUDY: A student who takes a break from school during a certain period of time.

동급 (同級生) : 같은 학년이나 학급의 학생. Noun
🌏 CLASSMATE: A student in the same grade or class.

한평 (限平生) : 살아 있는 동안까지. Adverb

초년 (初年生) : 어떤 분야나 일에 종사한 지 얼마 되지 않은 사람. Noun
🌏 BEGINNER: A person who just joined a field of work, study, etc.

(儒生) : 유교를 공부하는 선비. Noun
🌏 CONFUCIAN SCHOLAR: A scholar who studies Confucianism.

(厚生) : 사람들의 생활을 넉넉하고 풍성하게 하는 일. Noun
🌏 WELFARE; WELLBEING: An act of improving and enriching the life of the public.

여대 (女大生) : 여자 대학생. Noun
🌏 FEMALE COLLEGE STUDENT: A college student who is female.

실습 (實習生) : 배운 기술이나 지식을 실제로 해 보고 익히는 학생. Noun
🌏 STUDENT APPRENTICE; APPRENTICE; INTERN: A student learning skills or knowledge through practice in the real world.

(殺生) : 목숨을 가진 생물을 죽임. Noun
🌏 KILLING; TAKING LIFE: An act of killing a living thing.

(死生) : 죽음과 삶. Noun
🌏 LIFE AND DEATH: A collective term for life and death

특기 (特技生) : 어떤 분야에 특별한 기술이나 재능이 있다고 인정받아 입학하는 학생. Noun
🌏 TALENTED STUDENT: A student accepted to a school because the school recognizes his/her special skills or talent in a certain area.

고생고 (苦生苦生) : 여러 가지 어려운 일이나 힘든 일을 겪으면서. Adverb
🌏 PAINSTAKINGLY: While experiencing difficulties or troubles.

고시 (考試生) : 사법 고시나 외무 고시 등의 공무원을 뽑는 시험을 준비하는 사람. Noun
🌏 SOMEONE PREPARING TO TAKE A STATE EXAM: A person studying for a state exam for selecting public officials, such as the bar exam and the foreign service exam.

(半生) : 일생의 반이 되는 기간. Noun
🌏 HALF OF ONE'S LIFE: The period of half a lifetime.

(民生) : 국민의 생활. Noun
🌏 LIVELIHOOD OF THE PUBLIC: The people's livelihood.

결석 (缺席生) : 수업에 빠진 학생. Noun
🌏 ABSENT STUDENT: A student who did not attend class.

(胎生) : 어떠한 곳에 태어남. Noun
🌏 ORIGIN; BIRTH: One's birth in a certain place.

통학 (通學生) : 집에서 학교까지 오가며 다니는 학생. Noun
🌏 DAY STUDENT; EXTERN: A student who goes to school and comes home.

여선 (女先生) : 여자 선생. Noun
🌏 FEMALE TEACHER: A teacher who is female.

동창 (同窓生) : 같은 학교를 나온 사람. Noun
🌏 ALUMNA; GRADUATE: A person who graduated from the same school as one did.

한평 (한 平生) : 한 사람의 살아 있는 동안. Noun
🌏 ONE'S LIFETIME; ONE'S WHOLE LIFE: The time that one lives.

헛고 (헛 苦生) : 실속이나 보람도 없이 고생함. 또는 그런 고생. Noun
🌏 VAIN EFFORT; FOOL'S ERRAND: A state in which one's effort ends up in vain without any fruit or substance; or such an effort.

(現生) : 지금 살고 있는 세상에서의 한평생. Noun
🌏 THIS LIFETIME: One's lifetime in the world that one lives in now.

(이 生) : 태어나서 지금 살고 있는 세상. Noun
🌏 THIS LIFE: The world where one was born and is living now.

일평 (一平生) : 살아 있는 동안. Noun
🌏 ONE'S LIFETIME; ONE'S WHOLE LIFE: While one lives.

입학 (入學生) : 학생이 되어 공부하기 위해 학교에 들어가는 사람. Noun
🌏 NEW STUDENT; NEWLY-ENROLLED STUDENT: A student going for the first time to school to study.

(自生) : 자기의 힘으로 살아감. Noun
🌏 LIVING INDEPENDENTLY: The act of sustaining life on one's own.

재수 (再修生) : 입학시험에 떨어지고 나서 다음에 있을 입학시험을 보기 위해 다시 공부하는 학생. Noun
🌏 ENTRANCE EXAM REPEATER: A student who, after failing an entrance exam, studies again for the next one.

개고 (개 苦生) : 아주 심하게 어렵고 힘든 일을 겪음. Noun
🌏 HARDSHIP; TROUBLE; SUFFERING: The state of suffering from a very difficult and hard problem.

전교 (全校生) : 한 학교의 전체 학생. Noun
🌏 ENTIRE STUDENT BODY: All the students at a school.

동기 (同期生) : 학교나 회사 등을 같은 시기에 함께 들어간 사람. Noun
🌏 CLASSMATE; COLLEAGUE: A person who entered a school or company at the same period as another.

(妓生) : (옛날에) 잔치나 술자리에서 손님에게 술을 따라 주며, 노래와 춤으로 흥을 돋우는 것을 직업으로 하던 여자. Noun
🌏 GISAENG: Korean female entertainer: (archaic) A woman whose job it was to pour drinks to guests at a banquet or drinking party and entertain them with songs and dances.

(寄生) : 다른 동물이나 식물에 붙어서 영양분을 빼앗아 먹으며 살아감. Noun
🌏 PARASITE: The act of living by attaching to other animals or plants and stealing nutrients from them.

(餘生) : 앞으로 남은 삶. Noun
🌏 REST OF ONE'S LIFE: The remaining years of one's life.

Describing physical features (97) Directions (20) Performance & appreciation (8) Apologizing (7) The arts (23) Describing personality (365) Introducing (introducing family) (41) Watching a movie (105) Inviting and visiting (28) Talking about one's mistakes (28) Using public institutions (library, post office, etc.) (8) Using public institutions (library) (6) Daily life (11) Expressing date (59) Describing events, accidents, disasters (43) Expressing time (82) Greeting (17) Comparing cultures (78) Environmental issues (226) Using transportation (124) Human relationships (255) History (92) Press (36) Dating and getting married (19) Using public institutions (immigration office) (2) Pop culture (52) Appearance (121) Health (155) School life (208) Philosophy, Ethics (86)