🌟 젖꼭지


1. 젖 한가운데에 도드라진 부분.

1. หัวนม: ส่วนที่เป็นกระเปาะอยู่ตรงกลางเต้านม

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 남자의 젖꼭지.
    Man's nipples.
  • Google translate 산모의 젖꼭지.
    Mother's nipples.
  • Google translate 여자의 젖꼭지.
    A woman's nipple.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 깨물다.
    Bite the nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 만지다.
    Touch the nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 물리다.
    Bite nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 빨다.
    Suck the nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 찾다.
    Look for nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지에 입을 대다.
    Put one's mouth on the nipple.
  • Google translate 아기는 어머니의 젖꼭지를 빨며 잠들었다.
    The baby fell asleep sucking his mother's nipples.
  • Google translate 그녀는 배고프다고 보채는 아기 입에 젖꼭지를 물렸다.
    She put a nipple on the baby's mouth, which was fretting that she was hungry.
  • Google translate 이가 나기 시작한 내 동생은 젖을 먹으며 엄마의 젖꼭지를 자주 깨문다.
    My brother, whose teeth have begun to grow, often bites his mother's nipples while breastfeeding.
คำพ้องความหมาย 유두(乳頭): 젖의 한가운데에 도드라진 부분.

젖꼭지: nipple,にゅうとう【乳頭】。にゅうし【乳嘴】。ちくび・ちちくび【乳首】,mamelon, bout du sein, bout de sein, tétine, tette,pezón,حلمة الثدي,хөхний толгой, хөхний товч,núm vú,หัวนม,puting payudara,сосок (грудной),乳头,

2. 아기가 병에 넣은 우유를 빨아 먹을 수 있도록 젖 모양으로 만든 물건.

2. จุกนม, ฝาขวดนม: สิ่งของที่ทำขึ้นเป็นรูปเต้านมเพื่อให้เด็กสามารถดูดกินน้ำนมที่ใส่ลงไปในขวดได้

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 고무 젖꼭지.
    Rubber nipples.
  • Google translate 젖병과 젖꼭지.
    Milk bottle and nipple.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 물리다.
    Bite nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 바꾸다.
    Change nipples.
  • Google translate 젖꼭지를 소독하다.
    Disinfect nipples.
  • Google translate 누나는 분유를 타 동생에게 젖꼭지를 물렸다.
    My sister got powdered milk and bit my brother's nipples.
  • Google translate 이모는 아기에게 물렸던 젖병과 젖꼭지를 소독했다.
    Aunt disinfected the bottle and nipples that had been bitten by the baby.
  • Google translate 지수는 마트에 가서 조카가 쓸 젖병과 젖꼭지 제품을 골랐다.
    Jisoo went to the mart and picked out a bottle and nipple product for her nephew.

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 젖꼭지 (젇꼭찌)







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