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(鷄卵) : 닭의 알. ☆☆☆ Noun
🌏 EGG: A chicken egg.

(困難▽) : 사정이 몹시 난처하거나 어려움. ☆☆ Noun
🌏 TROUBLE; DIFFICULTY: A very difficult or embarrasing situation.

(論難▽) : 여러 사람이 서로 다른 주장을 하며 다툼. Noun
🌏 CONTROVERSY; ADVERSE CRITICISM: The state in which many people with different opinions argue and fight.

(欄) : '구분된 지면'의 뜻을 나타내는 말. Noun
🌏 SECTION; PART: A word meaning a separate section in a newspaper, magazine, etc.

(搖亂/擾亂) : 어수선하고 시끄러움. Noun
🌏 FUSS; BUSTLE: The state of being disordered and loud.

(混亂) : 뒤죽박죽이 되어 어지럽고 질서가 없음. Noun
🌏 CONFUSION; MESS; DISORDER: A state of being mixed up to be chaotic without order.

(攪亂) : 어떤 체계의 질서나 사람의 마음을 뒤흔들어 어지럽게 함. Noun
🌏 CONFUSION; DISTURBANCE; BEWILDERMENT: The act of disturbing the order of a system or a person's mind to cause confusion.

(騷亂) : 시끄럽고 정신없게 복잡함. Noun
🌏 DISTURBANCE; FUSS; COMMOTION: The state of being noisy and hectic.

(波瀾) : 크고 작은 물결. Noun
🌏 RIPPLE; WAVE: Small ripples and big waves.

(內亂) : 나라 안에서 정부에 대항하거나 정권을 잡으려고 벌이는 큰 싸움. Noun
🌏 REBELLION: A big struggle within a nation where insurgents rebel against the government or attempt to take control.

(民亂) : (옛날에) 부패한 정치에 반대하여 백성들이 일으키는 폭동. Noun
🌏 RIOT; UPRISING; REVOLT: (archaic) A rebellion by the people in opposition to corrupt politics.

투고 (投稿欄) : 신문이나 잡지 등에서 독자가 써서 보낸 글을 싣는 지면. Noun
🌏 READER’S COLUMN PAGE: In a newspaper, a magazine, etc., the page on which columns or letters from readers are printed.

(紊亂) : 도덕이나 질서가 제대로 지켜지지 않아 어지러움. Noun
🌏 DISORDER; CONFUSION: Confusion due to unobserved morals or order.

(避亂) : 전쟁이나 난리 등을 피해 멀리 도망감. Noun
🌏 TAKING REFUGE; EVACUATION; FLIGHT: An act of running away from a catastrophe such as a war, disturbance, etc.

(明卵) : 명태의 알. Noun
🌏 POLLACK ROE: Eggs of a pollack.

-으 : 어떤 명령의 내용을 전하며 뒤에 오는 말을 꾸밀 때 쓰는 표현. None
🌏 -EURAN: An expression used to convey a certain order, modifying the following statement.

(淫亂) : 성적으로 행실이 좋지 못하고 문란함. Noun
🌏 OBSCENENESS: The tendency of someone being sexually loose and disorderly.

(紛亂) : 문제가 생겨서 시끄럽게 다투거나 떠들썩함. Noun
🌏 DISORDER; DISTURBANCE: A state of being in a noisy argument or conflict due to some trouble.

(變亂) : 나라를 위험에 빠뜨릴 만큼 큰 재난이나 싸움. Noun
🌏 UPHEAVAL; CATASTROPHE: A huge disaster or fight that can put a nation in a dangerous situation.

- : 어떤 사실이나 생각하는 내용을 전하며 뒤에 오는 말을 꾸밀 때 쓰는 표현. None
🌏 -RAN: An expression used to tell a certain fact or thought, which modifies the following statement.

(産卵) : 알을 낳음. Noun
🌏 SPAWNING; EGG-LAYING: An act of producing eggs.

독자 (讀者欄) : 신문이나 잡지 등에서 독자의 글을 싣는 난. Noun
🌏 READER'S COLUMN: A column in which readers' writings are printed in newspapers or magazines.

: 어떤 대상으로 특별히 지정하여 화제로 삼아 설명하거나 강조함을 나타내는 조사. Postpositional Particle
🌏 RAN: A postpositional particle used to explain or emphasize something by specially choosing it as the topic.

수정 (受精卵) : 정자와 결합하여 수정이 이루어진 난자. Noun
🌏 FERTILIZED EGG: An egg that has finished fertilization with a sperm.

: 어떤 일로 인해 사회가 매우 혼란스럽고 어려운 상황. Noun
🌏 SERIOUS DISTURBANCE; GREAT COMMOTION; UPHEAVAL: A difficult situation in which a society becomes seriously destabilized by an incident.

(空欄) : 책, 서류, 공책 등의 지면에 비워져 있는 칸이나 줄. Noun
🌏 BLANK: An empty column or line on the paper of a book, document, notebook, etc.

광고 (廣告欄) : 신문이나 잡지 등에서 광고를 싣는 자리. Noun
🌏 ADVERTISING COLUMN: Space in newspapers or magazines, etc., to put an advertisement in.

(狂亂) : 미친 듯이 어지럽게 날뜀. Noun
🌏 CRAZE; FRENZY: The act of behaving or running about in a crazy, giddy fashion.

(錯亂) : 어지럽고 혼란스러움. Noun
🌏 DERANGEMENT; MENTAL UNSOUNDNESS: A state of mental disturbance and disorientation.

(Iran) : 서남아시아에 있는 나라. 농업과 목축이 발달했으며, 주요 생산물로는 석유, 페르시아 융단 등이 있다. 주요 언어는 페르시아어이고 수도는 테헤란이다. Noun
🌏 IRAN: A country in Southwestern Asia; its agriculture and stock farming industries are well developed, and it mainly produces oil, Persian carpets, etc.; its main language is Persian, and its capital is Tehran.

일사불 (一絲不亂) : 질서가 잡혀 있어 조금도 흐트러지지 않음. Noun
🌏 BEING IN PERFECT ORDER; BEING WELL-ORDERED; BEING SHIPSHAPE: A state of being orderly without being in disarray.

알토 (알 土卵) : 껍질과 털을 다듬어 깨끗하게 만든 토란. Noun
🌏 CLEANED TARO: A taro whose skin and root hairs are trimmed and cleaned.

(倭亂) : 일본인이 쳐들어와서 일으킨 전쟁. Noun
🌏 JAPANESE INVASION: A war started by a Japanese invasion.

대혼 (大混亂) : 큰 혼란. Noun
🌏 GREAT CONFUSION; CHAOS: An enormous confusion.

(戰亂) : 전쟁으로 인한 혼란이나 난리. Noun
🌏 WAR CHAOS: The confusion or chaos for civilians caused by war.

(國亂) : 나라 안에서 일어난 큰 난리. Noun
🌏 CIVIL WAR; INTERNAL DISTURBANCE; REBELLION: A big disturbance within a nation.

-더 : 이전에 들어서 알게 된 어떤 일을 듣는 사람에게 전하며 뒤의 말을 꾸밀 때 쓰는 표현. None
🌏 -DEORAN: An expression used to tell the listener a certain incident that the speaker knows as a result of having heard it, while modifying the following statement.

해당 (該當欄) : 어떤 사항에 바로 들어맞는 난. Noun
🌏 RELEVANT FIELD; RELEVANT SPACE; RELEVANT BOX: A space on a form that corresponds to a certain item, data, matter, etc.

(土卵) : 높이는 80~120센티미터이고 잎은 두껍고 넓은 방패 모양이며 땅속의 알 모양 줄기를 먹는 식물. Noun
🌏 TARO: A plant, 80 to 120 centimeter tall, whose wide, shield-shaped leaves are thick, and whose egg-shaped stem underground is eaten as food.

토사곽 (吐瀉癨亂) : 토하고 설사하며 배가 아픈 위장병. Noun
🌏 ACUTE GASTROENTERITIS; VOMITING AND DIARRHEA: A stomach disorder whose symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and stomachache.

도란도 : 여럿이 작고 낮은 목소리로 정답게 이야기하는 소리. 또는 그 모양. Adverb
🌏 IN AFFECTIONATE WHISPERS; WITH AFFECTIONATE MURMURING: A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of a few people talking in a low and quiet voice and in a friendly manner.

(叛亂/反亂) : 정부나 지도자 등에 반대하여 공격하거나 싸움을 일으킴. Noun
🌏 REVOLT; REBELLION; UPRISING: The act of starting a fight against or attacking a government or its leaders as a way of opposing them.

(Koran) : 이슬람교의 이치와 가르침을 적은 책. Noun
🌏 THE KORAN; THE HOLY BOOK: The book in which the principles and teachings of Islam are written down.

: 어떤 대상으로 특별히 지정하여 화제로 삼아 설명하거나 강조함을 나타내는 조사. Postpositional Particle
🌏 IRAN: A postpositional particle used to explain or emphasize something by specially choosing it as the topic.

(排卵) : 난소에서 성숙한 난자가 자궁으로 나오는 일. Noun
🌏 OVULATION: A process that mature eggs leave the ovary and travel into the uterus.

구인 (求人欄) : 신문이나 잡지에서 일할 사람을 구하는 광고를 싣는 부분. Noun
🌏 HELP-WANTED COLUMN: The part in the classified advertisement section of a newspaper or magazine where advertisements to find an employee are posted.

날계 (날 鷄卵) : 익히지 않은 계란. Noun
🌏 RAW EGG: An uncooked egg.

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