🌟 무좀


1. 발가락 사이나 발바닥이 균에 감염되어 물집이 생기거나 살 껍질이 갈라지거나 벗겨져서 몹시 가려운 피부병.

1. MYCOSE DES PIEDS, PIED D'ATHLÈTE, TINEA PEDIS: Maladie dermatologique où la peau entre les orteils ou au niveau de la plante de pied est infectée de champignons, se crevasse ou se détache en petits morceaux, et démange beaucoup.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • Google translate 무좀 균.
    Athlete's fungus.
  • Google translate 무좀 약.
    Athlete's foot medicine.
  • Google translate 무좀 연고.
    Athlete's ointment.
  • Google translate 무좀 증상.
    Symptoms of athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 무좀 증세.
    Athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 무좀 치료.
    Treatment for athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 무좀 퇴치.
    Eliminate athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 무좀이 심하다.
    Severe athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 무좀을 치료하다.
    Treat athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 무좀에 걸리다.
    Get athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 여름이 되자 승규는 무좀 때문에 발이 가려워 참을 수가 없었다.
    By summer, seung-gyu couldn't stand it because his feet were itchy because of athlete's foot.
  • Google translate 그의 발은 무좀에 걸려 허물이 벗겨지고 물집이 잡혀 보기에 흉했다.
    His feet were caught in athlete's foot, stripped of the skin and blisters, which made him look ugly.
  • Google translate 발에 땀이 많고 평소에 신발을 오래 신고 있으면 무좀의 원인이 된다.
    Sweaty feet and wearing shoes for a long time usually causes athlete's foot.

무좀: athlete's foot; ringworm of the foot; moccasin foot; tinea pedis,みずむし【水虫】,mycose des pieds, pied d'athlète, tinea pedis,eccema,قدم الرياضي، القوباء الحلقيّة، قدم المقسين,хөлний мөөгөнцөр,bệnh nấm ở chân, bệnh nước ăn chân,โรคน้ำกัดเท้า, ฮ่องกงฟุต,kutu air, kaki atlet, tinea pedis,эпидермофития стоп;  грибковое заболевание кожи ступней,脚气,

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 무좀 (무좀)





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