🌟 닭띠


1. 닭해에 태어난 사람의 띠.

1. DAKTTI, SIGNE DU COQ: Signe d'une personne née l’année du Coq selon le zodiaque chinois.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • Google translate 닭띠인 사람은 무슨 일이든 꼼꼼하게 처리한다는 속설이 있다.
    There is a popular belief that a man born in the year of the chicken takes care of everything meticulously.
  • Google translate 오늘의 운세를 보니 1981년에 태어난 닭띠를 만나서 조언을 얻으라는군.
    Today's fortune tells me to meet the year of the chicken, born in 1981, for advice.
  • Google translate 너희 부모님은 몇 살 차이셔?
    How old are your parents?
    Google translate 아버지께서는 닭띠이시고 어머니께선 소띠이시니 네 살 차이셔.
    My father was born in the year of the rooster and my mother was born in the year of the ox, and he's four years older.

닭띠: daktti,とりどし【酉年】,daktti, signe du Coq,daktti, signo zodiacal del Gallo, signo del Gallo,تاك تي,тахиа жил,tuổi Dậu, tuổi gà,ทักตี,shio ayam,тактти,属鸡,

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 닭띠 (닥띠)

🗣️ 닭띠 @ Exemple(s)





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