🌟 대선 (大選)


1. 대통령을 뽑는 선거.

1. การเลือกตั้งประธานาธิบดี: การเลือกตั้งเพื่อเลือกประธานาธิบดี

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 차기 대선.
    The next presidential election.
  • Google translate 대선 후보.
    Presidential candidate.
  • Google translate 대선을 치르다.
    Hold a presidential election.
  • Google translate 대선에서 당선되다.
    Elected in the presidential election.
  • Google translate 대선에서 승리하다.
    Win the presidential election.
  • Google translate 대선에서 패배하다.
    Defeat in the presidential election.
  • Google translate 야당은 이번 대선에서 승리하기 위해 총력을 기울이고 있다.
    The opposition party is making all-out efforts to win the presidential election.
  • Google translate 여당의 대선 후보는 서민 생활의 안정을 공약으로 내세웠다.
    The ruling party's presidential candidate pledged to stabilize the lives of ordinary people.
  • Google translate 이번 대선에서는 누가 당선이 될까?
    Who will be elected in this presidential election?
    Google translate 글쎄, 국민을 위하는 사람이 대통령이 돼야 할 텐데.
    Well, a man for the people should be president.

대선: presidential election,だいとうりょうせんきょ【大統領選挙】,élection présidentielle, présidentielle,elección presidencial,الانتخابات الرئاسية,ерөнхийлөгчийн сонгууль,cuộc bầu cử tổng thống,การเลือกตั้งประธานาธิบดี,pemilu presiden,выборы президента; президентские выборы,大选,总统选举,

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 대선 (대ː선)

🗣️ 대선 (大選) @ ตัวอย่าง





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