🌟 명문가 (名門家)


1. 훌륭한 가풍으로 대대로 이름난 좋은 집안.

1. FAMILLE HONORABLE, FAMILLE NOBLE, FAMILLE RENOMMÉE, FAMILLE DISTINGUÉE: Famille réputée de génération en génération pour sa haute moralité.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • 전통 명문가.
    A traditional prestigious family.
  • 명문가의 규슈.
    Kyushu from a prestigious family.
  • 명문가의 자제.
    The children of a noble family.
  • 명문가로 소문이 나다.
    Rumor has it that it is a prestigious family.
  • 명문가에 시집을 가다.
    Marry into a distinguished family.
  • 민 씨의 친가는 삼대가 내리 과거에 합격한 사대부 명문가였다.
    Min's biological family was a prestigious family in the four-generation college who passed the state examination in the past.
  • 명문가 출신일지라도 자신의 역량을 입증하지 않으면 공동체의 지도자가 되기 어렵다.
    Even if you're from a prestigious family, it's hard to be the leader of the community unless you prove your competence.
  • 민준이는 할아버지가 국무총리를 지내셨고 아버지는 현재 여당 대표를 하고 계신대.
    Min-joon said his grandfather served as prime minister and his father is currently the leader of the ruling party.
    몰랐는데 민준이가 정치 명문가의 후손이었구나!
    I didn't know that min-joon was descended from a prestigious family in politics!

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 명문가 (명문가)

🗣️ 명문가 (名門家) @ Exemple(s)







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