🌟 탁류 (濁流)


1. 흘러가는 흐린 물.

1. COURANT D'EAU BOUEUSE: Eau opaque qui coule.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • 거센 탁류.
    Strong turbidity.
  • 뿌연 탁류 .
    Cloudy turbidity.
  • 탁류가 흐르다.
    The turbid current flows.
  • 탁류를 건너다.
    Cross the tarmac.
  • 탁류에 휩쓸리다.
    Be swept away by turbines.
  • 비가 많이 내려 강물이 탁류가 되었다.
    It rained heavily and the river became turbid.
  • 장마에 불어난 개천을 건너던 사람이 탁류에 빠졌다.
    The man who was crossing the swollen stream in the rainy season fell into the turbidity.
  • 비가 그쳤는데도 물이 황토색이네.
    It's stopped raining, but the water's yellow.
    탁류가 다시 맑은 물이 되려면 며칠 더 있어야 할 거야.
    We'll have to wait a few more days for the turbines to be clear again.

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 탁류 (탕뉴)





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