🌟 타협안 (妥協案)


1. 어떤 일을 서로 양보하는 마음으로 의논하여 내놓은 방안.

1. PROPOSITION D'ENTENTE, MOYEN DE CONCILIATION: Plan élaboré à travers une discussion sur une affaire en cédant réciproquement.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • Google translate 마지막 타협안.
    The last compromise.
  • Google translate 현실적 타협안.
    Realistic compromise.
  • Google translate 타협안을 거부하다.
    Reject a compromise.
  • Google translate 타협안을 내놓다.
    Propose a compromise.
  • Google translate 타협안을 마련하다.
    To come up with a compromise.
  • Google translate 타협안을 만들다.
    Make a compromise.
  • Google translate 타협안을 제시하다.
    Propose a compromise.
  • Google translate 노동조합은 회사 측에서 제시한 타협안을 거부했다.
    The union rejected the compromise offered by the company.
  • Google translate 국회에서는 각 당의 의견을 받아들여 새로운 타협안을 제시했다.
    The national assembly accepted the opinions of each party and proposed a new compromise.
  • Google translate 이번 회담이 언제쯤 끝날 것으로 예상하십니까?
    When do you expect this meeting to end?
    Google translate 내일이면 현실적인 타협안이 나올 것으로 보입니다.
    A realistic compromise is expected tomorrow.

타협안: compromise; compromise proposal,だきょうあん【妥協案】,proposition d'entente, moyen de conciliation,acuerdo,خطة تسوية، خطة توفيق,тохиролцох төлөвлөгөө,phương án thỏa hiệp,แผนการเจรจาประนีประนอม, แนวทางการเจรจาปรองดอง, แผนการเจรจาตกลง, แนวทางการตกลงยินยอม,jalan musyawarah, cara kompromi,,妥协方案,折中方案,

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 타협안 (타ː혀반)







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