🌟 법치 (法治)


1. 법에 따라 나라를 다스림.

1. การปกครองตามรัฐธรรมนูญ: การปกครองประเทศตามกฎหมาย

🗣️ ตัวอย่าง:
  • Google translate 법치 사회.
    The rule of law society.
  • Google translate 법치가 유지되다.
    The rule of law is maintained.
  • Google translate 법치를 강조하다.
    Emphasize the rule of law.
  • Google translate 법치를 주장하다.
    Claims the rule of law.
  • Google translate 법치를 파괴하다.
    Destroy the rule of law.
  • Google translate 경제가 발전해도 법치가 제대로 이루어지지 않으면 부패가 따르기 마련이다.
    Even if the economy develops, corruption is bound to follow if the rule of law is not properly enforced.
  • Google translate 그는 법치와 투명한 정부를 근간으로 할 때 비로소 민주주의가 완성된다고 생각했다.
    He thought democracy was complete only when the rule of law and transparent government were based.

법치: constitutional government,ほうち【法治】,gouvernance constitutionnelle, règne de la loi, règle de droit, état de droit,gobierno constitucional,حكم قانوني,хууль ёст, хуульд захирагддаг,pháp trị,การปกครองตามรัฐธรรมนูญ,pemerintahan konstitus,конституционное правление,法治,

🗣️ การออกเสียง, การประยุกต์ใช้: 법치 (법치)
📚 คำแผลง: 법치하다: 법률에 의하여 나라를 다스리다.

🗣️ 법치 (法治) @ ตัวอย่าง





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