🌟 희비 (喜悲)

имя существительное  

1. 기쁨과 슬픔.

1. Радость и печаль.

🗣️ практические примеры:
  • Google translate 엇갈린 희비.
    Mixed joys and sorrows.
  • Google translate 희비가 교차하다.
    Joy and sorrow intersect.
  • Google translate 희비가 달리다.
    Joy and sorrow run.
  • Google translate 희비를 가르다.
    Divide the joys and sorrows.
  • Google translate 희비를 결정하다.
    Decide the joys and sorrows.
  • Google translate 곧 알게 될 아버지의 수술 결과에 온 가족의 희비가 달려 있다.
    The whole family's joys and sorrows depend on the results of his father's surgery, which he will soon find out.
  • Google translate 대학 합격자 발표를 확인한 수험생들의 표정에는 희비가 엇갈렸다.
    The students' expressions of joy and sorrow were mixed when they confirmed the announcement.
  • Google translate 경기 종료 직전에 터진 마지막 골이 정말 극적이었어.
    The last goal just before the end of the game was really dramatic.
    Google translate 맞아, 그게 두 팀의 희비를 갈랐지.
    That's right, that divided the joys and sorrows of the two teams.
синоним 애환(哀歡): 슬픔과 기쁨.

희비: happiness and sadness; joy and sorrow,ひき【悲喜】,,alegría y tristeza,سعادة وحزن,баяр гуниг,buồn vui,ความสุขกับความเศร้า, ความสุขกับความโศกเศร้า, ความสุขกับความทุกข์,kegembiraan dan kesedihan, sukacita dan dukacita, suka dan duka,,悲喜,

🗣️ произношение, склонение: 희비 (히비)





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