🌟 거봐

Outil exclamatif  

1. 어떤 일이 자기 말대로 되었음을 확인할 때 하는 말.

1. T'AS VU?, TU VOIS?: Exclamation confirmant que quelque chose se passe comme on l'avait annoncé.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • 밥을 너무 많이 먹었는지 배가 아프네.
    I guess i ate too much. i have a stomachache.
    거봐, 내가 그만 먹으라고 했지.
    See, i told you to stop eating.
  • 시험이 어려울 줄 알았으면 공부를 더 열심히 할걸.
    I would have studied harder if i knew the test was going to be difficult.
    거봐, 열심히 하라고 할 때에는 듣지도 않더니.
    See, you didn't listen to me when i told you to work hard.

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 거봐 (거봐)

🗣️ 거봐 @ Exemple(s)





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