🌟 몹쓸


1. 몹시 나쁘고 못된.

1. DÉTESTABLE, INFÂME, ABOMINABLE, MÉCHANT, VILAIN: Qui est très mauvais et méchant.

🗣️ Exemple(s):
  • 몹쓸 것.
  • 몹쓸 놈.
    Bad guy.
  • 몹쓸 병.
    Bad disease.
  • 몹쓸 사람.
    Bad guy.
  • 몹쓸 짓.
    Bad deed.
  • 몹쓸 행동.
    Bad behavior.
  • 그는 어린 자식을 몹쓸 병으로 잃은 뒤 평생 아픈 아이들을 위해 일했다.
    He worked for sick children all his life after losing his young child to a terrible disease.
  • 학교에서 나쁜 아이들에게 몹쓸 짓을 많이 당한 민준이는 결국 전학을 가야만 했다.
    Min-joon, who was so bad at school with bad kids, had to eventually transfer.
  • 아버지가 저한테 해 준 게 뭐예요?
    What did my father do for me?
    뼈 빠지게 돈 벌어서 키워 놨더니 저 몹쓸 놈 하는 소리 좀 보게.
    I've made a lot of money and raised them, and look at that scumbag.

🗣️ Prononciation, Déclinaison: 몹쓸 (몹ː쓸)

🗣️ 몹쓸 @ Exemple(s)





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