🌟 사전

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달면 삼키고 쓰면 뱉는다
🌏 ONE SWALLOWS SOMETHING IF IT IS SWEET, WHILE SPITTING IT IF IT IS BITTER: To chase one's own interest without considering right or wrong, or keeping faith.

가재는 게 편
🌏 CRAWFISH ARE ALWAYS ON THE CRABS' SIDE; LIKE DRAWS TO LIKE: People tend to side with others in a similar situation.

무소식이 희소식
🌏 NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS: Getting no news means everything is going well, and therefore can be regarded as good news.

고기는 씹어야 맛을 안다
🌏 ONE SHOULD CHEW MEAT TO FULLY ENJOY THE FLAVOR: One should have firsthand experience to thoroughly understand something as one could never appreciate the flavor of meat before chewing it.

고양이 목에 방울 달기
🌏 TIE A BELL ON THE NECK OF A CAT: To have a useless discussion about an unfeasable and unrealistic plan.

고인[고여 있는] 물이 썩는다
🌏 STAGNANT WATER IS BOUND TO ROT: One is likely to fail to make progress and stagnate or be left behind compared to others without efforts to develop oneself.

폭풍 전의 고요
🌏 SILENCE BEFORE A STORM: Silence before something bad breaks out.

야윈 말이 짐 탐한다
🌏 A THIN HORSE HAS ITS EYE ON THE BAGGAGE: To desire something beyond one's reach.

하루가 여삼추(라)
🌏 ONE DAY FEELS AS IF THREE AUTUMNS: An expression used to describe a situation where one feels as if a short time is very long.

억지로 절 받기
🌏 FORCE SOMEONE TO BOW TO ONESELF: To be treated by someone by demanding him/her to do so.

애간장(을) 말리다
🌏 DRY SOMEONE'S LIVER AND INTESTINES: To make someone distressed with worry and anxiety.

애간장(을) 태우다
🌏 BURN SOMEONE'S LIVER AND INTESTINES: To be fretful with concern or worry.

애간장(이) 녹다
🌏 HAVE ONE'S LIVER AND INTESTINES MELT: To be completely fascinated by temptation.

약물(을) 맞다
🌏 BE TREATED WITH MEDICINAL WATER: To drink water from a mineral spring or wash one's body with it to cure one's disease.

뒤를 두다
🌏 LEAVE THE BACK: To leave something unfinished for the future.

말이 말 같다
🌏 WORDS ARE LIKE WORDS: For words to be worth listening to.

망(을) 서다
🌏 KEEP GUARD: To look or monitor the movement of the enemy or an object at a certain location.

양보다(는) 질
🌏 QUALITY BEFORE QUANTITY: An expression meaning something that is necessary or good for oneself is considered more important than something that is just large in quantity or size.

무릎(을) 치다
🌏 HIT ONE'S KNEE: To hit one's knee when one suddenly learns a certain fact or recollects an indistinct memory, or feels very happy.

양다리(를) 걸치다[걸다]
🌏 PUT EACH OF ONE'S TWO LEGS ON DIFFERENT PLACES; TRY TO HAVE IT BOTH WAYS; PLAY A DOUBLE GAME: To have a relationship with two parties to benefit from both of them.

🅿 품사

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