🌟 사전
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🍀 속담
• 제 꾀에 (제가) 넘어간다
🌏 HAVE SOMETHING UNDONE BY ONE'S OWN TRICK; THE BITER IS BITTEN; MANY GO FOR WOOL AND COME HOME SHORN: To be cheated by one's own trick that was devised to cheat someone.• 눈 가리고 아웅
🌏 SAY FEE-FAW-FUM WITH COVERING SOMEONE'S EYES; BURY ONE'S HEAD OSTRICH-LIKE IN THE SAND: The manner of trying to deceive someone with a shallow trick.• 물에 물 탄 듯 술에 술 탄 듯
🌏 AS IF WATER IS MIXED IN WATER, ALCOHOL IS MIXED IN ALCOHOL; AS CLEAR AS MUD; WISHY-WASHY; RUNNING HEM AND HAW: To not have one's own opinions or arguments and for one's words or behavior to be unclear.• 소똥도 약에 쓸 때가 있다.
🌏 EVEN COW DUNG CAN SOMETIMES BE USED AS MEDICINE: Something very common can sometimes be used for an important purpose.• 쉬 더운 방[구들]이 쉬 식는다
🌏 A ROOM THAT HEATS UP EASILY COOLS DOWN EASILY: Something that has been achieved easily and quickly without effort tends to bring little reward and be short-lived.• 말이 씨가 된다
🌏 WORDS BECOME A SEED: If something negative is said repeatedly, it may actually happen.• 십 년 묵은 체증이 내리다
🌏 TEN YEAR LONG INDIGESTION GOES DOWN: To feel relieved as a nagging problem has been solved.• 싼 것이 비지떡
🌏 CHEAP GOODS ARE BIJITTEOK, BEAN-CURD DREG RICE CAKE: An expression meaning a cheap product tends to be of poor quality.• 당장 먹기엔 곶감이 달다
🌏 THE DRIED PERSIMMON IS TOO SWEET TO EAT NOW: To do something which is immediately good for oneself without preparing for the things to come in the future.• 구렁이 담 넘어가듯
🌏 LIKE A BIG SNAKE CLIMBING OVER A WALL: An expression used to describe the manner in which one furtively fudges a work and fails to finish it in a clear and complete manner.
💬 관용어
• 고래(를) 잡다
🌏 CATCH A WHALE: For a man to have surgery to remove the skin covering the tip of his penis.• 무덤을 파다
🌏 DIG A GRAVE: To put oneself in a difficult situation.• 붓을 놓다
🌏 PUT DOWN ONE'S BRUSH: To wrap up one's writing.• 고래 등 같다
🌏 LIKE THE BACK OF A WHALE: For tile-roofed house to be very huge and high.• 간장이 타다
🌏 ONE'S LIVER AND INTESTINES BURN: To be fidgety; to fret and feel anxious.• 대가리(가) 크다
🌏 HAVE A LARGE SKULL: (slang) To come to think or judge like an adult.• 간판(을) 따다
🌏 OBTAIN A QUALIFICATION: (slang) To be equipped with the educational background or qualifications to show off.• 간판(을) 걸다
🌏 HANG UP A SIGN: For a shop or organization to start a business or an activity.• 대가리(를) 굴리다
🌏 ROLL ONE'S SKULL: (slang) To think hard to come up with a good solution to a problem.• 간판(을) 내리다
🌏 TAKE DOWN A SIGN: For a shop or organization to stop a business or an activity.
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